“I am Aya Muhammad from Gaza, I was a university student on my way to achieving my dreams, preparing for my wedding with Mohamed, and living in a home full of memories. But the war destroyed everything. I lost my home, my studies stopped, and my dreams vanished. Today, my family and I live in harsh conditions, searching for hope amidst the ruins. Yet, despite everything, there is still a small dream in my heart to start anew.” https://gofund.me/1222af19


  • ayamohamed [she/her]
    3 months ago

    Thank you dear for your advice. I appreciate your concern. May God bless you and everyone who stood with us.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      3 months ago

      No worries! Obviously I'm not saying that you should stop at other times too, I'm just explaining when you're most likely to see the highest results :)