I'm running Jellyfin on a Debian-server in my home, and I have the associated media folders set up as samba shares so that I can transfer any new media from my laptop to the server through Dolphin (KDE file manager).

This has for the most part worked very well (except slow speeds), but I've had an issue recently where the files are not copied over properly. This resulted in glitches in for example music files that would stop playback. I checked the checksums of some of these files, and they were different from source. Seems like the glitchy files are missing some data, but at no point were I notified about this. It works fine after I removed the files and transferred again, and now the checksums match.

Is this a common issue with samba, or could it be a sign that my HDD is acting up?

  • atimehoodie@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    Check if you get big memory spikes when transferring, or OOM entries in dmesg.

    Had some trouble with a new samba install on Debian causing OOM issues recently (this was admittedly in LXC). Resulted in files apparently transfered but were not. This was due to optimistic locks, which are apparently poorly implemented (according to the 2-year old open bug) but on by default. I haven't done due diligence to say what's the best solution, I just turned oplocks off.
