While the communist party of India (marxist) , is not in power as of now , they have had history of winning elections, however there is a fatal flaw in their ideology , when it comes to fighting against opperession , while they agree upon existence of class disparity and want to work on the goal of removing it , the oldschool communists do not recognise caste system. For those who are not aware , caste system is a problem specific to indian subcontinent , it is like a dominant class of people who are called the upper castes ( tho in minority) , had deprived the lower castes , into not allowing them to get educated or get any other work that they were assigned at birth , by the family name they were born in . That kept the lower castes poor and deprived for ages. The CPI(M) is mostly flooded with the upper caste and do not recognise this systemetic opperssion that has been in place since ages !

  • PowerCrazy@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    So the caste system in India absolutely exists. But outside of making discrimination based on caste illegal, I'm not sure how the Communist Party of India is supposed to respond? Push for class/caste solidarity, but otherwise engaging with the caste system is simply reinforcing it.