TL;DR: Apple dominates the US smartphone market, but EU regulations may offer Android a chance for resurgence by enforcing messaging interoperability and standardizing hardware features.

    1 year ago

    This is such a weird headline. I'm not switching to Apple and know tons of people who also would never do that. Most people don't care about blue vs. green chat bubbles, except for those who just use their iPhone as a status symbol.

    Sure, messaging needs to get fixed, and I hope the EU pushes Apple towards open standards. But it's not like there aren't a ton of android manufacturers who are making money hand over fist on devices.

    1 year ago

    I mean, maybe google should stop shooting themselves in the foot when it comes to messaging. See:

      1 year ago

      I don't think it's that important who makes the messenger. Most people outside the US use messengers like WhatsApp anyway.

      1 year ago

      A quick search says Amazon is 37% of online commerce (depending on which sketchy result you want to trust enough for a Lemmy thread).

      If Amazon is problematic, then Apple is a serious issue.

    1 year ago

    Look, android lost the lead in market share, but it's still a huge part of the market. It's not dying off for years to come, if it even does.