the safest place to be in a pandemic of an airborne disease is in a sealed tube full of recycled air with a hundred other people
Airplane air is essentially the cleanest air you can breathe. It is constantly HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filtered and completely replaced every few minutes. You are not sitting in a small room with hundreds of people. You sitting in a low-pressure, purified room that has a laminar air flow from the roof to below your seat with hundreds of people wearing masks. Sitting in a restaurant with closed windows is likely much more infectious than flying. Of course, if someone with covid sits next to you and coughs on your face, you're fucked. But if people stick to the rules and sit in their place, you're much better off than in most other closed spaces.
I still doubt "virtuall non-existant" should be used and we have every reason to mistrust these studies, but airplane air is about as clean as it gets. Please don't spread pointless misinformation.
The only airline still implementing social distancing is Delta I believe and they’re doing away with it soon. We’re fucked
We investigated ourselves and found ourselves to be hot, cool, and popular.
"it's completely safe"! I say, gesturing towards the crash test dummy, which has started to go green and runny.
The risk of exposure to volcanic ash while inside Pompeii, in the event of an eruption, is "virtually non-existent", according to a new study by Mount Vesuvius.
they're desperate to normalize the plague and get people back to work producing surplus value
The thing is even if it flying is, the fucking TSA checkpoint is where transmission is probable.