lvysaur [he/him]

  • 54 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2020


  • Bear is pretty greasy/gamey. I’ve had it when it was made into like a summer sausage though and it was really good

    Did you kill the bear in the springtime? I've heard that they taste greasier in the winter when they're eating more nuts/meat (as opposed to berries)

  • lvysaur [he/him]tomainRoman toilets
    4 years ago



    oh wait, I reread the OP and it's actually about something else. Romans used communal sponges/cloths for wiping their ass. Meaning someone would wipe their shit, put the cloth in a bucket, and then you would use that same cloth to wipe your shit

  • lvysaur [he/him]tonews*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Can, but it’s more hit or miss with natural immunity.

    natural immunity is the exact same antigen exposure as a vaccine though? If anything it would be slightly stronger, since you're exposed to increasing amounts of the antigen until you eliminate it or die, whereas with the vaccine you get a controlled dose.

  • lvysaur [he/him]toaskchapo*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Lol, China doesn’t have the capability to invade the US

    All the non-white nations in the world combined, do. And Russia and Europe would almost definitely join because they probably don't want to risk it anyway.

    US nuke arsenal getting taken over by wigger nationalists = the entire world now has to invade the US, or risk getting nuked. Very simple. Sakaiism becomes real because they force it to.

  • lvysaur [he/him]toaskchapo*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    nah, China and the rest of the United States favorite scapegoats must always ready for war

    no shit, every military is technically "always ready for war", but there's a level of emphasis that you put beyond that for when you're REALLY expecting war in the immediate term, you are really libbing the minutiae here

  • lvysaur [he/him]tothe_dunk_tankliberal gun owners
    4 years ago

    because libs are just controlled opposition lol

    the rulers would MUCH rather have all POC exterminated overnight, than to have an actual race war.

    dead black people is bad for profits, but dead black people AND dead white people is like 10x worse for profits. They don't want POC to fight back.

  • lvysaur [he/him]tothe_dunk_tankliberal gun owners
    4 years ago

    it’s really interesting how we’re primed to understand a second American civil war will occur over contradictory cultural interests

    not really interesting, just obvious. If you expect your dog to not eat your steak, well that's called being a lib.

    “red states have more guns so we win” Yeah ok the federal government has drones and only cares about your status as wage slave to the ruling class.

    the thugs who defend the ruling class mostly share sympathies with the red states. A pretty lib-energy post IMO, it's the kind of take where you just keep pretending that the rich are able to control the white nationalists, until suddenly they don't anymore. And up until that very second, anyone who says otherwise is a "nut job doomer", and then you get busy denying their next prediction which is bound to come true within 12 months. Not you specifically, just the people who carry the energy of this particular post.

    Just like everyone was pretending trump wouldn't get nominated, then wouldn't win, that corona was nothing, that trump is going to concede peacefully (you are here), that the rest of this year will be a recovery, etc et al