Dog I work a trade. I physically go into peoples houses and business on a daily basis. What the fuck am I gonna do?
Hey, that's $600 + some unspecified number no greater than $1400 but otherwise TBD
I've accepted that I'm going to get it. A few of my coworkers thought it just plain wasn't real, until one of them got it and got on their asses about it. Most jobsites I've been on have had at least half, at most nearly everyone not wearing masks properly. I was at an outage where me and my coworker were the only ones wearing masks until safety started kicking people out of the plant for not wearing masks.
I've managed to avoid it so far, but it's just a matter of time.
Back when in February when I started shopping in an N95 I got a bunch of weird looks and one of my colleagues even called me out for overreacting. Then finally mask mandates came out and he changed his tune.
Ever since August I've been shopping in a P100 half face-plate respirator and that same colleagues has called me out for overreacting.
Fun fact, I caught it in July anyway owing to a counterfeit KN95.
The good market giveth, the good market taketh away.
Well, I've got some inexplicable liver damage and GI problems that started up in December, but no clue if that's related.
Shoot, sorry to hear that. I hope those give you a little trouble as possible and you stay well otherwise!
Prob true but if it can escape vaccines which some strains have shown some ability to do, then it can escape your immunity.
We’re now in permanent seasonal flu territory.
Prob true but if it can escape vaccines which some strains have shown some ability to do, then it can escape your immunity.
Can, but it's more hit or miss with natural immunity.
They seem confident the mRNA vaccines will be pretty broadly effective and easy to tweak for new strains. That's something at least (I mean if I have to get a new vaccine and feel like shit for a couple of days every 6 months for the next decade I'll do that).
I'm less doomerpilled than last march despite covid being worse. The early vaccine distribution is a shitshow but that should start to be alleviated as more production comes online. We know we can make working vaccines, we have vaccines for the dominant strains now, and if we work at it we can identify new strains quickly and target the best guess for the dominant strain.
Yeah it's seasonal flu territory, but hopefully not too much worse. I hope (and I think it's a justified hope) that this winter is going to be a long brutal horrifying low point in this fight but I think we will get through it and we will start to push back.
It is easy to tweak but the regulatory shit is different. This is uncharted territory for the fda so there’s no telling how long it would take to roll out the new one.
Ultimately I hope so too, but the blackpill is strong.
Can, but it’s more hit or miss with natural immunity.
natural immunity is the exact same antigen exposure as a vaccine though? If anything it would be slightly stronger, since you're exposed to increasing amounts of the antigen until you eliminate it or die, whereas with the vaccine you get a controlled dose.
I don't know, I remember a doctor tweeting about it and explaining that vaccines can be better (at least the mRNA) because they target the specific protein. Natural immunity just reacts to whatever sets it off.
I have a nice N95 that's been sitting in my car unused for the last 4-5 months though I did use it a lot from March-May last year. I should probably use that instead of a cloth mask, right?
This is what I do lol. I don't care how much of a dork it makes me look like, it's just practical and safe
Indeed, though you can reuse them for a while if you just go out for groceries and you wear it for like 20 minutes at a time. I just wash my hands with 70% iso before and after putting it on / removing it (or touching it at all); and any mask that has been used recently has a 48 hours cooldown period before it's used again.
I believe the N95s also possess a static cling quality that helps prevent particles from passing through that is lost over frequent uses
I'm sure, and moisture is a big no-no (I throw them away if there's significant moisture on them, like if I went out and it rains), but all in all a mask made to be worn 8 hours will still work fine if you use it in small increments of time. Also found those recommendations by the CDC that suggest rotating as I described above - and that's for hospital use, apparently. Though they do suggest a 72 hours downtime instead of my 48 hours suggestion.
Yep, it does, it's a great mask. I actually bought a 100 pack of these back in 2015 for like $10 but would blow them on like changing cat litter and then throwing it away.
I bought 10 N95 masks in December 2019 to clean out some dusty shit in the basement. Saved my fucking life, I'm sure of it. Still using those same 10.
Also, if buying N95 masks: do not buy those with an exhale valve (they're made for construction workers and the like so breathing out is easier). For obvious reasons those masks, while protecting you, won't protect others from being infected by you - and would in fact be worse than surgical masks for that purpose.
What's the break on going into a store yourself and risking yourself vs a delivery service where you risk a worker instead?
Wouldn't it be less messed up to risk yourself vs some gig workers you pay $20?
I've been going in person because I don't want to make someone else do delivery but I guess curbside is a good option. Got a car just a few months ago so it didn't occur to me
If you feel bad about doing delivery, idk how curbside would be any better. As someone who did curbside/online pickup for a grocery store, picking orders is the worst, most stressful, and backbreaking job in the entire store, the delivery drivers have it a lot better. Its the same deal as pickers in Amazon warehouses. Curbside only circumvents the delivery part.
Would it be better if I keep going in person then with an N95? I would prefer to do that
People working at the store might not appreciate you bringing in yourself and all your virus into their workplace. Assume they are not provided quality PPE by their employers.
ah ok so curbside pickup is what to do it just isn't way better than delivery since someone still needs to pick the order
Anyone else noticed that delivery is fucking expensive for small stuff and niche things?
You can bake the masks for a bit, look up the exact temp/time, if you want to sanitize.
Workers/delivery folks have to be at the store already, so if it makes sense for you do delivery. They’re there anyway, so it will limit the exposure those workers have to people like you.