aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]

I don't know what this is

  • 178 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • Saying "won't someone think of the white people" is a complete misunderstanding of the situation. The "ethno-nationalism" that should be talked about is not about being anti white, Zuma's MK party is explicitly based on Zulu ethno-nationalism. The EFF joining an opposition coalition called the Progressive Caucus, in which the MK party is the leading member as they have the most votes and seats in the national assembly of all the coalition members, is not a good move. And yes, both the EFF and MK are based on the personalities of their leadership over policy, and yes the MK party is socially conservative, and despite the EFF having a socially progressive manifesto, the EFF have invited supporters of Uganda's anti gay laws to speak at key party events. The majority of the parties that make up the Progressive Caucus are socially conservative. And yes, the attempts by the EFF to appeal to Zuma's support base before the MK party existed (it's only 6 months old), including meeting with the Zulu king and exempting all land owned by the Zulu King's trust from land reform policies can be described as chauvinistic. What kind of communist wants to entrench the power of a monarchy?

    The online left that watched a clip of Julius Malema saying cool things on YouTube, and then decided that they like him, obviously have no understanding of any of this. There's a reason the EFF only got 9.5% of the vote, and lost all of the projected support that they were predicted to gain to Zuma's MK party.

    All in all, I think allying with Jacob Zuma, after all the corruption allegations, and the sexual assault allegations which are forgotten too often when Zuma is mentioned, is not a move a Marxist party should make. It makes the EFF's campaign to try have Zuma join the EFF as a member in 2023 (before the MK party existed), and this capitulation look even worse in hindsight. 10 years ago the EFF were demanding Zuma pay back the money he stole and disrupting Zuma's state of the nation addresses. Now the EFF is working with Zuma. How does this inspire trust?

  • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]tochapotraphouse79°F "Heat Wave"
    22 days ago

    There are winters days that hot in South Africa, with the minimum temperature dropping below close to freezing/0°C on the same day. And most people don't have air conditioning or well insulated houses, and life goes on. It's not that big a deal. Now summer on the other hand, where the minimum temperature can be above 20°C, those are painful, especially as most don't have air conditioning.

  • I mean this comes from a complete misunderstanding of the objective of the Houthi attacks. Yes they have been "ineffective" at directly hitting a NATO military ship, but that's not the primary goal here, the goal is to disrupt trade with Israel and their allies, and on that basis the attacks have been very successful. It's always a big mistake to view the success of military operations from a military standpoint only. That kind of logic is what makes the US think they could've won the Vietnam war or beat the Taliban if they just fought for longer or fought differently. Wars are complex multifaceted endeavours, you can't just look at the direct military aspect. Many have won the direct military battle but lost the actual war. Real life is not a multiplayer shooting game where having a better K/D or holding down a certain objective means that you win the war.

  • Bonus: A reminder of why you should not take anything you see on Reddit seriously, even on leftist subreddits. Here is what users on the true anon and the deprogram were saying a week ago, even though an ANC - DA coalition has been in the works for years and there is no evidence of election fraud:

    There’s a 0% chance they [the ANC] get into a coalition with the DA. Like you said it would threaten the basis of their power. I expect that they’ll give the concessions to MK before they coalition with the EFF, since ultimately the differences between MK and ANC are negligible, more about personal issues than anything else. I’ve been trying to research South African politics leading up to this, I watched some footage of the EFF grilling the ANC from a few years ago. They are entertaining as fuck. They got whole highlight reals for Melama. Dude is fucking great. Really cool to see that the EFF is not socially conservative either. I am sure that America would intervene to keep them anywhere close to power, and I’ve seen talk that they played a part in the alleged fraud.

  • South Africa election results update: ANC-DA coalition is official, both parties have signed the "Government of National Unity (GNU) document. The ANC is the largest party from the liberation movement against apartheid South Africa, was the party of Nelson Mandela, and has ruled with a majority since 1994. However, they only got 40.2% of the votes in the recent elections two weeks ago. The DA is a majority white liberal political party, and fairly right wing. They got 21.8% of the vote in the national elections. The DA and the ANC are the two biggest political parties in South Africa, and have formed a coalition.

    The coalition document can be viewed here

    Important, Section 19:

    Sufficient consensus exists when;

    • 19.1 All parties have had the opportunity to express their views;
    • 19.2 Despite reasonable attempts to resolve disagreements, and find common ground, there is no general consensus;
    • 19.3 Parties to the GNU representing 60% of seats in the National Assembly agree; and
    • 19.4 Any party that disagrees has been able to formally record their objections.

    This means that for consensus to exist mathematicaly, the the DA and ANC have to agree on policy. There is no other way for consensus to be achieved. In essence, this makes it a full blown coalition, and not just a supply and confidence agreement, and also not a government of national unity as claimed.

    As a reminder for everyone, the DA has been working on going into coalition with the ANC since 2019.

    article snippets and my opinions on it

    This week [October 2021] a leaked audio from 2019 was circulated on social media in which Zille was heard saying the DA must consolidate its support at 20% and work with the ANC.

    In the audio, Zille said the DA would consider going into a coalition with the ANC under President Cyril Ramaphosa’s leadership.

    “I’d rather make tough demands on Cyril Ramaphosa’s ANC and force to unite under them, and go into coalition with them and make strict conditions for them, than go into coalition with anyone else. That I think should be our aim in the next election.

    “We want 20% of South Africans and remember there’s only 8% of white voters. Between 15% and 20% gives us a strong, strong consolidated block in coalitions,” Zille can be heard saying in the audio...

    This is literally exactly how it has played out now in 2024.

    However, speaking on CapeTalk on Tuesday, Zille claimed the audio was edited and taken out of context...

    Quite unknown to me, I was being recorded. They have carefully edited out the context of that discussion, taken a short clip, waited for two years now that the context was entirely changed, and a week before the election release it as if it means something that it does not mean at all,” Zille alleged.

    So it wasn't taken out of context then?

    She said the DA was aiming to win a majority of 50% plus one so it doesn’t have to go into a coalition.

    Politicians and lying, what an iconic combination

    “People hate coalitions. They’ve seen what coalitions have done with their complete instability and the jumping of smaller parties from one side to the other,” she said.

    Lmao 🤣 And guess who's signature is on this coalition document? Helen Zille's. I rest my case.