The carpet, the jacuzzi, the steps, the mirrors above the bed… and I’d put money on that being a waterbed! Glorious.

    1 year ago

    I don't get the fascination with twin sinks. Who stands next to their partner/wife/husband etc. shaving, cleaning their teeth, popping zits, using the kitchen tongs on some of their lengthier nose hairs?

      1 year ago

      It helps when you both need to wake up and get to work at the same time.

      1 year ago

      Depends on how much space is there, everyone can place their stuff where he or she wants them around the sink.

      Bonus: Everyones' dirt is their own. His beard stubbles are never in her sink, and whatever she combed out of her hair does not clog his.

      1 year ago

      I mean if you have only one bathroom helps. And I am gonna guess it also helps with kids.

      1 year ago

      We use ours all the time. It's nice to not have to wait or navigate around one another when we're both rushing first thing in the morning.