Piracy is cool and good. Legitimately don't even know if I'll play the game, but it's cool that the scene is just churning out cracks like mad
Remember that people who put their blood and sweat into making this game have probably been laid off already and all profits will go to some dumbass executive's bonus. There is no moral dilemma in piracy here.
3D artist who worked in videogames and film for about 10 years.
Spot. On.
Supporting indie developers is one thing but in cases like this: Piracy is praxis. The majority of people who worked on it were either laid off before the game even released OR were never employed directly by Rockstar to begin with.
Still had rockstar step in to force them to work insane hours for months.
Oh trust me, I know. I spent most of my decade in the industry working various gigs as a subcontractor and most people have no concept of how much shit gets outsourced.
I was thinking of the wrong game, Rockstar stepped in to help finish LA Noire because the studio was messing up. That immediately turned into a death march.
Rockstar is an incredibly shitty company in an industry that is really scummy.
Piracy pearl clutchers are the same people that call the cops on black people playing in the park.
"you arnt allowed to be here" i firmly state to the
blackstrange man at my private community centers pool"i live here" he lies
"im calling the cops!" i shout at the criminal, so he knows i mean business
edit: yall are really downvoting this? the fuck country do yall live in where this doesnt happen? cause it sure as fuck isnt amerikkka
edit edit: i see some of you have recanted, but still, the heck was that?
Always relevant to point out that the workers never see the profit: their labour is stolen as profit for executives and companies, and rarely even returns to the industry, let alone the creators. For indie developers and small groups where the labour division and profits work more like coops there might be ethical dilemmas, but rockstar can get fucked. :crab-party:
There was not a moral dilemma if they were not laid off either
IDK, I'd feel bad pirating from indie devs where there is more equal terms of profit sharing.
From indie devs ok, but this is Rockstar. I doubt the money from the 135m copies sold from GTA V went to the ones that actually made the game
The only time I need a legit copy of a game is if I want to use steam workshop mods or have the ability to play online. Sites like cdkeys dot com and g2a have keys for 75%-90% sometimes, so I always check there
Tbh if I do unpack it I'm going to have to clear some space, my computer is living in the years when ssds were still expensive. Might buy some upgrades if/when I can find a new job so I can just stay inside and :chavez-guns: when the next pandemic hits
The hard part is if I should wait for some sales or just buy something now before they can price jack ahead of black friday/cyber monday to make it seem like the sales are bigger
This was my conundrum as well but I decided to go for it (also needed a PC for work). Good timing because the pandemic is fully back where I am. It was also my first ever PC so that changes things a bit.
I lurk a fuckton on /r/buildapc (because consumerism > communism, always) and the consensus seems to be that most parts don't really go on sale. SSDs might be an exception though? Either way the most significant/cheapest upgrade you can make is for sure an SSD so if you have extra money I'd go for it. If you're not desperate maybe look up sale history of SSDs to see if you can save like $20 on one. In any case I bought a 1TB NVME SSD for ~$100 and I have no regrets. Even the cheapest SATA SSD will be around ~100 billion times faster than an HDD.
Have they got any filters or searches that look for just canada? I always find decent deals but then see it ships from the states and then charges shipping, duties, and extra tax bringing it to worse than before. Maybe I can find a coupon or something to help me make up my mind; I'm trying to decide between the ssd and a hotwire table for crafting and they're both in that 100-150cad range
There's some tools and some guides on CS.RIN.RU on how to get started with creating cracks, but it's gibberish to me. I think it starts with them actually purchasing the game in order to build the crack backwards with their emulation programs, but honestly no idea. Its wizardry to me.
As for how you and I get it onto our pcs in Minecraft, I'd suggest visiting Fitgirl's site and just scrolling to the page, or find one of the other links in the cs.rin.ru main page thread about the game. They've got some faqs and guides on how to download and apply the cracks with some suggestions of good sites and uploaders, just note that you will need to sign in to cs.rin.ru to actually see the links (it's weird but it works I guess).
No idea if the torrents are slow. I expect them to be, but I have no better host right now.
Thanks for posting this as I was going to recommend the OP look for a fitgirl repack or codex repack if one is out there atm.
Not to mention (I'm not 100% on this) I think it was shown that piracy has a positive effect on sales, bc people who pirate stuff were never going to pay for it in the first place, but they might if they have can afford to in future if they liked it
There's some evidence showing trends like that I think. Iron Maiden some years back looked at the places their music was most pirated and set up concerts in those areas, which IIRC then proceeded to sell tickets incredibly well.
There's that Gabe Newell quote, "Piracy isn't a cost issue, it's a service issue" or something like that. That's great discussion to be had on how copyright protections have prevented art of any kind from really gaming the impacts they can in the modern day, as well as interference driven by the profit motive or ingrained systems of abuse like sexual assault and crunch.
Piracy is praxis, seeding is praxis, communism is when you seed your piracies :Care-Comrade:
Did they? That would be a r*ddit moment if I ever saw one :porky-scared:
This crack will live in glory alongside the first AC2 server emulator.
Don't you just love piracy art? There's a collection of it on the-eye, e.g. https://the-eye.eu/public/Piracy/addnfo/2012/0317/A/Athan_-Deepsessions%28Frisky_radio%29-SBD-03-14-2012-TALiON_INT/
You should play the game.
You should play the game and wander around southern woods at night while heavily armed.
I'll see if I can fit it on my pc when I decide to get up. Either way I'll be seeding it, but my specs are far from great rn and managing my storage stresses me out
Apparently Empress even reached out to Fitgirl before the ISO was posted so that a repack could go live too. The solidarity in the scene is pretty cool
Crackwatch on r*ddit and threads on CS.RIN.RU when I get bored enough to scroll through big forum posts that aren't formatted for mobile :cyber-lenin:
Edit: the bit about Empress reaching out was shared by Fitgirl on the forum post, it wasn't community news until she went live with it
What's the difference between /r/crackwatch and crackwatch.com?
The site has a better layout, cool interface. and isn't on r*ddit, but the sub has memes on occasion and you can make fun of people who are mad about piracy to their face, and it isn't trying to sell as much random shit as the site (also the site loads kinda slow on my phone, might just be on my end though). Its a tradeoff, of features you like vs ones you don't. They seem to be updated at the same times as each other so it's not like one has any info the other doesn't.
Like I already said, the Episode 10 leaks says R2 is definitely not on crack: it's warp dust which is very different and clearly not cocaine based until games workshop loses a lawsuit or two.
Hopefully soon, Empress was saying Denuvo games are the priority so mayne it gets got next? :heart-sickle:
That's the Episode 10 leaks; and its not so much crack as it is warp dust. Shit gets kinda weird when there's skaven running around the New New New Galactic Republic (that definitely won't get Surprise Sith Lord'd again). Honestly I think it's a brave decision to break with the established canon that surely won't immediately be retconned somehow.