Does anyone else hate pretty much everyone else in your job field? I'm back in school now but in the year I was working at a full time job, basically every other engineer was a chud who absolutely refused to consider other people and were only doing engineering because they got paid a lot. I know it's good to get to know everyone you work with and build solidarity but it's basically impossible when they're all so insufferable.

How do all of you deal with it?

  • AbolishAmerikkka [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Have the cops rubbed off on them? That’s basically my take on how firefighters got so reactionary.

    • Balkinbalkans [he/him]
      4 years ago


      A lot of people in fire/ems/law enforcement are ex-military, which is conservative as hell. I'm also living in a red state, so I look like a bomb-throwing radical when I suggest that diabetics shouldn't have to die because they can't afford insulin.

      My coworkers try to talk around it, but their stance on any given issue usually boils down to "just don't be poor/black/a woman!"

      Can't afford your medication? Your fault for not working hard enough and getting a "real" job. Live in fear of police? Your fault because you listen to rap music about cop killers. Got raped? Should have kept your legs closed, you stupid slut.

      I thought we went into this field of work to help people, but the majority of my coworkers are hateful shitheads who laugh at the pain of others. It's no wonder the EMS field has trouble with retention. It's a field that underpays and overworks you while forcing you to put up with the worst humanity has to offer. It's bad enough you just had to see someone die. Now you have to listen to your partner spewing Qanon conspiracies for the rest of your 13 hour shift.