Don't want to spoil anything for those of you who arent caught up on the manga, but I've heard some hot takes regarding Eren and how the show is fash propaganda. Even though I see where these takes are coming from, I cant help but enjoy reading the manga.

  • badbackjack [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    The question was asked recently here . Bout half of the comments are mine.

    .........In AoT, the Eldians can be seen representing three japanese groups, the decadent brain washed pacifists, the self hating Marley dwellers and the Survey Core – the restorationists. The Eldians are heirs to a glorious legacy and the power to rule the world. Their past rule was one of prosperity for all. This can easily be seen as the Japanese “Co Prosperity Sphere” where a recently modernized Japan brutally sought to acquire colonial possessions in Asia under the rhetoric of a civilizing mission. Read up on it. Blood curdling stuff. The Japanese pacifists, represented by the decaying Eldian elite have not only locked the population inside of a “prison” with its isolationist policies, it has not taught the population its history (erased their memories) and endanger the entire population with their cowardice toward foreign threats. The Japanese who do the unthinkable in questioning Japans role in WWII can be seen personified in the Eldians residing in Marley (the Zeke faction) who are seen as violently self loathing and willing to commit genocide to atone for the perceived past crimes of the Eldians. There is also the possibility that they represent their asian “cousins” , the other asian countries that easily can be considered “existential threats” in the minds and rhetoric of a Japanese nationalist. The only true “heroes” are the scouts led by Erin, heir to the restorationists’ struggle. It is this struggle that propels the plot and establishes the “heroic” and “non-heroic” characters and his goal is the restoration of Eldian supremacy. As the series winds to an end I am aware that the zealotry of the main character has alienated his core allies, but I have my doubts that the story will end with an unsympathetic portrayal of said protagonist. I’m sure the ending will be somewhat disturbing though.

    And yeah, faschy as fuck.