• ThomasMuentzner [he/him, comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    Let me explain:

    So when the Minority Region is at War with the Nation state it "de Jure" belongs to


    Then THAT is the Imperialism. Serbia did Imperialism TO Kosovo .. not Kosovo to Serbia ... And Nato the intervene to Protect the Minority against the raging hate of the Majority) Same story with Ukriane , dont get confused .. it is West Ukraine , that did the Imperialism TO the Russian Majority Eastern Ukraine

    • forbidding their media ,
    • forbidding Russian in Adminsitration Use ,
    • Forbidding the Consume of Russian Media,
    • othering them "Orcs" / Vatnik / Russian / Occupiers.
    • Burning them In Odessa
    • Bombarding them
    • Proudly proclaim you want to Cleanse them when you "retake the territories"

    Russia protects Its Minority from Racial Persecution by a Faschist Regime. No Imperialism.

    This is a Anti imperialsit Global war , You lack the Expertise to understand that , it is no problem .. BRICS 11 , Africa , Saudia Arabia , India , Latin America , Turkey , Eagypt , Iran all Understand it perfectly... on the Street of Niamey , Quagadgou and Bamako , they all understand it. its only your Tiny Minority in the West that still have not figured out that 2014 comes chronologically before 2022. its a Fascinating Phenomenon.... Maybe its the Vitamen D deficit they have in the West ? maybe thats makes "the West" so collectivly unable to understand , basic physical concepts like "CHRONOLGY" .. and "CAUSE AND EFFECT"

      • ThomasMuentzner [he/him, comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        The problem with the theory that Russia only invaded to pre-empt a Ukrainian invasion of the Donbass or to protect Russian-speaking minorities (and nothing else) is that the initial Russian push was, above all, towards Kyiv

        i dont accept this reasoning to protect your minority you try to topple the regime .... ???

        If this was true, then why would Russia have committed so many documented atrocities in Russian-speaking areas during the invasion?

        name a specific one thats not "atrocity propaganda bullshit like "they aim Missile on Residential blocks and graveyards .. etc.. . Stop try to argue on the baseline of knowledge thats "American thats watch TV" , i now what they tell you on TV ..

        Enemy Bad !.. Does bad things !.. We Godd .!. do good things !

