They managed to vote the worst way on like 80% of the ballot measures

Who the fuck opposes rent control? Who's against employee protections for Uber drivers?

Even Florida voted to raise their minimum wage.

  • Chapo_Trap_Horse [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    In terms of 22, Uber and the other supermutant gig behemoths spent over two hundred million dollars on propaganda (vs. about 25 million on the other side). There were slick youtube ads in front of every single video over the last month+ in Cali with all these "uber driver" actors talking about how 22 will keep them freed up to work when they want. They also cooked their own books when reporting that "75% of drivers support prop 22" - they sent all their employees - ahem - I mean "contractors" - a survey, but it was vaguely/manipulatively-written so as to elicit a "yes" response if you weren't already educated about the proposition.: "Do you want to be able to choose your own hours, or do you want to get raped by Satan?" They then got to turn around and say, "see? It's what the workers want!" when more people chose "choose my own hours."

    I fucking hate California with the passion of a thousand burning suns. I was born, raised and still live in what is supposed to be an ultra-progressive, mega-enlightened part of the state, and pretty much 95% (95% is a bit high, let's say 3 out of 4) of the people I know are complete airhead resistance-poisoned libs who can't a get a single political idea straight in their jumbly goo brains. They believe in all the fucking capitalist fairytales they were taught when they were children, and outright reject any kind of socialist project. Like an alien who can't see the color green or whatever, you hold it right in front of their face and their eyes glaze over.

    • cum_on_jack [any]
      4 years ago

      as a [redacted] resident I saw the prop 22 ad over 50 times the past month, and I don't even use uber. the brute force of that ad campaign was fucking astonishing and disgusting

      even worse that my partner does legal work specifically to stop prop 22 and educate Californians about how harmful it is, and we had to watch those fucking ads every day, over and over, for over a month

      btw, on the ballots themselves it straight-up lies about what the props actually do -- in a shockingly similar way that the ads on props lie (hmm) about what they actually do. haha go figure

      every fucking prop is worded so you have no idea what the hell you're voting for in the ballot booth, and the "for" and "against" supposedly "neutral" descriptions of each prop are also complete bullshit and equally confusing to read; so its not even that californians are just stupid/dont want rent control, which of course they still are by and large, but they're also openly lied to about what they're even voting on, which they dont understand bc theyre libs

      • CommieElon [he/him]
        4 years ago

        For real, I had to take out my voting guide the state gave me and then double checked it online.

        • cum_on_jack [any]
          4 years ago

          yup, bc ofc it isnt illegal to bombard every media outlet in CA with outright lies about a ballot measure that PERMANENTLY denies healthcare to a MASSIVE number of people

      • Chapo_Trap_Horse [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Oh yeah Cali is definitely not that progressive overall. What happened was all the leftists here relentlessly bullied all of our white lib family and friends who normally would have voted Warren or Pete or Kamala. Got em all feelin the Bern by threatening them with broken friendships/relationships and calling them dumb libs. Sometimes bullying works, folks.

        Also Latinxs were high as fuck on tio Bernie. Remember them carrying Nevada over the finish line?