Does anyone know any good games where you kill fascist CIA and US army scum? Ideally as a Marxist-Leninist freedom fighter or as a soldier of a socialist country. Otherwise, games where you fight US puppets like Israel as say a Palestinian freedom fighter are also more than welcome.

    1 year ago

    but they also made the allies pretty nazi.

    Funniest thing is that it's kinda dialectical, Red Alert series start with assassination of Hitler when he comes out of prison in 1924, which wouldn't stop nazism, but shuffle its leadership maybe with someone less revanchist but still nazi. So the course in which the nazi Germany allies and finally unites with USA, UK and France against USSR is very probable especially it's exactly what west tried to do in our timeline.

    • huf [he/him]
      1 year ago

      yeah, the red alert allied timeline is what westoids have been wishing had actually happened. patton's "we fought the wrong enemy" quote and all that.

      and of course they couldnt give stalin the victory on the soviet timeline, it had to be some kane bullshit.

        • huf [he/him]
          1 year ago

          i only played the original c&c and red alert 1, dont know anything about the later games

            1 year ago

            In a nutshell Brotherhood of Nod was some crazy scientology cult but with tons of military operations, but lo and behold the aliens really came eventually and Kane really took his cultists to the stars just as he promised.