Does anyone know any good games where you kill fascist CIA and US army scum? Ideally as a Marxist-Leninist freedom fighter or as a soldier of a socialist country. Otherwise, games where you fight US puppets like Israel as say a Palestinian freedom fighter are also more than welcome.

    1 year ago

    If you only want to play vanilla or some light workshop mods i prefer Civ 6, communism is OP there and there are some decent USSR mods on steam

    if you're into total conversions, nothing can beat Civ 4, some of the mods are incredible, my favourite is the Dune mod which is actually the best Dune game ever made.

    Also nostalgia, Civ 4 is the last one with squares and not hexes and the classic looks of map and interface.

      1 year ago

      The Peoples Republic of China lead by Deng Xiaoping mod for Civ 6 is also great, though probably a bit OP. I think its not on steam workshop anymore but you can find download online