Not joking by the way, this was made by a conservative artist

Original twitter post:

  • iByteABit [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Wow, I don't even know how to process this. The dumbass conservatives are getting so confused about life they're actually creating sarcastic comics about their way of thinking unintentionally.

    This is peak irony

      1 year ago

      Conservatives don't know how comedy works. I call it the Yo Mama hypothesis.

      When you were a kid, and other kids lied about your mom, you got mad, right? And eventually they'd say - relax, it's a joke, stop crying. And if you're reading this then you probably grew to understand the difference between saying something and meaning it.

      I don't think every kid got there.

      I think a lot of kids, maybe a whole quarter of humanity, only learned that jokes are insults you have to shut up and take. They're cruelty you're not allowed to get mad about. How would those kids act differently? They'd stop crying, mostly, when people told rude lies about their mothers. They'd snap back at other kids, telling rude lies about their mothers. From those events you'd figure, great! They get it. It's not real. Except... they only look right from the outside. On the inside, they're gathering a list of excuses for vicious behavior.

      These people know what jokes look like. They're clever enough to build a punchline. They kinda get how you tell jokes. But they have no idea why you tell jokes.

      People defending Dave Chappelle insisted "he's a comedian!" like that absolved all his opinions. I've walked those people through how jokes require setup that reflects sincere beliefs. (Like how "eat the rich" is a joke about classism and cannibalism, but it's only joking about the cannibalism.) I've cited the many times Dave repeated certain claims far from any stage. But these folks never come acknowledge that being a TERF is not part of the act. That's not how it works, in their worldview.

      Being a comedian means he gets to say things you're Not Supposed To Say, even if they're things you absofuckinglutely believe. That's all they thought Jon Stewart was doing. That's why they thought Stephen Colbert was on their side.

      The same people routinely parroted "you can joke about anything," which is equally revealing. They'd heard it because they insisted "you can't joke about [blank]!" even for the most benign, supportive, and inoffensive gags. And also for dead-baby jokes and antitheism. Point is: these types don't care about severity, because they don't care about meaning. They believe in blasphemy. They think condemnation, criticism, or even just speaking less-than-reverently about a subject is profaning something sacred, and chances are good they'll hit kids for doing it.

      We told them every subject is fair game for fair jokes. They'd stop yelling, mostly. And from that event we'd figure, great, they get it. But on the inside, they still believe the issue is what a joke is about. They still think joking is an attack under agreed-upon rules of engagement. So of course funny black man shit on trans people. They don't like trans people. It's hardly a secret. What's our beef, saying he's not allowed to spout jokes full of prejudice and hatred? They're jokes. That's what they're for.

    • the post of tom
      1 year ago

      In case you haven't heard of them, chick tracts have been hilariously bad since before the Internet. They are plentiful, and at least as insane as this comic here. You could dedicate a sub to them. One of my favorites was one 'in the near future' where non-christian children were compared to Hitler youth.

        1 year ago

        My4 Yo found one of those in a bathroom and i was so pissed. And i couldnt really explain to her why she “couldn’t have the comic.” I told her it wasn’t a nice thing and NOBODY shpuld be reading it.

            1 year ago

            I've known a few people who have been servers, who had the tip line scratched out and one of those fake $100 Bible tracts left for them.

            Sometimes I really believe they litter that shit as a power play and not as a missionary thing.

                1 year ago

                If I owned a restaurant that would be a fucking bar 100%. Even if you left a real tip, fuck you.

                Regular Bible litter, whatevs. Bad form. That fake hunski though? GTFO my restaurant and stay out.

    1 year ago

    I know that this is serious, but it's so bad is good.
    It has become the parody of a parody, this comic has so many layers of irony that transcends politics

    1 year ago

    Finally a relatable comic that offers a true look into the home of your standard antifa, or uppity lib.

    Why just the other day I found a baptism certificate in my daughters backpack.

    Well that was three abortions and the gender reassignment is booked for next year.

    Seriously though, holy fuck. How does someone come up with that nonsense and actually believe that?

    1 year ago

    The fact that this is not satire about conservatives ridiculous fever dreams, but a serious depiction of one, makes it really damn funny :'D

  • Cows Look Like
    1 year ago

    Imagine if we just leaned into their wacky right-wing conception of pro-choice and were like "yeah, our endgame is to have as many abortions as possible per capita." Their heads would explode lol

    1 year ago

    It is incredibly common for political comments to exaggerate stuff as a form of humor. It happens on both sides. This comment section doesn't seem to know that

      1 year ago

      That would imply that the artist is willing to fun of some part of his ideology. But a lot of his other comics can be boiled down to the usual "I, the conservative chad, destroy the screaming nonsensifal leftist".

      They do have a sort of "so bad its good" vibe to them that I doubt is intentional. Like the biden sucking the blackness out of a girl one or him getting 3 women pregnant Kenshiro style. Or in a meta level, making a "gas prices are good but everything else sucks now and its the left's fault" comic almost immediately after making a "everything sucks now because gas prices are too high and its the left's fault" comic