Leslie time, y'all. Surprisingly, this is my first Leslie post of the week. Consider yourselves lucky.

Up for discussion this week is anything from chapters 7 through 8. These discussion points kinda majorly fucking suck still.

  • What are your feelings about the book overall?
  • How did you react to Leslie spitting mad anti-capitalist facts in chapter 8? :CommiePOGGERS:
  • Are you still on your "lesser-of-two-evils" bullshit? 👀
  • What did you learn?
  • Was anything eye opening to you?
  • Are there any misconceptions about particular aspects of the trans community that have maybe been torn down?
  • Did anything make you reflect on how you view your own gender identity or expression?
  • Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  • Are there things that brought out intense emotion?
  • Was there anything that really reaffirmed your beliefs as a leftist or motivated you to be more based like Leslie? - Please, God. Remove me from this nightmare.

This thread will be featured for 24 hours then will remain pinned in !transenby_liberation for the remainder of the week. I'm thinking about keeping a general discussion thread pinned in the comm for anyone listening to the audio books to chime in and drop comments.

original thread
week #1 thread
week #2 thread
pdf download
epub download - Huge shout out to comrade @EugeneDebs for putting this together. I realized I didn't credit them in either post but here it is. I appreciate your efforts. ❤️
chapter 1 audiobook - Huge shout out to comrade @futomes for recording these. No words can truly express my appreciation for this. Thank you so much. ❤️
chapter 2 audiobook
chapter 3 audiobook
chapter 4 audiobook
chapter 5 audiobook
chapter 6 audiobook
chapter 7 audiobook
chapter 8 audiobook

  • LaBellaLotta [any]
    4 years ago

    Took a break from reading What We don’t Talk About When We Talk About Fat by Aubrey Gordon to crush through this. Wanted to express my solidarity with TC69. Just finished the first half and I gotta say it’s great, very thought provoking, and a very welcome break. I have been consistently kind of grating against the lack of coherent Marxist thought in the Gordon book and it’s very enjoyable to see this kind of analysis brought together with notions of solidarity and classicism. Just pointing out that these divisions are tools we are taught to wield against each other for no ones benefit but those who rule us makes a big difference in how digestible a book about a specific communities struggles is to me. Maybe that’s a me problem. I would also posit that gendered oppression is more universal than fat oppression and that’s another reason I’m enjoying this so much more. It’s a better Kyriarchical axis to address if the end goal is a classless society IMO. I also appreciate the way they clearly draw the through line from feminist struggles for liberation and trans struggles. Something that seems very obvious to my silly cissy brain now. Thought this was a good quote from page 40 of the PDF.

    “But just because an individual is drawn into the vortex of a movement, it doesn’t mean that person will automatically be enlightened on every aspect of other peoples oppression- particularly that which they do not directly experience. Each individual still needs to overcome the bigotry that has been instilled in us from an early age.....But the progressive momentum inherent in movements offers a greater potential for individuals to gain an understanding of the struggles of others-particularly in coalitions”

    Food for thought. As a firm believer in Mckennas notion of the dominator society, I do believe my trans comrades play a critical role in unpacking what ails this sick world we make for each other. Because whatever that is absolutely exists within the patriarchal, oppressive constructs of gender. And I look forward to following their leads on that. Best of luck in whatever you’re onto next TC69. Raise a banner and I will fight under it. Solidarity.