Community Updates:

Received an excellent suggestion from @Melon that we should do week long megathreads because of low traffic in this community, so here we go.

Yesterday's Thread

    • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
      4 years ago

      I think it's that, and also that having a space be defined by gender feels kind of antithetical to being nonbinary. Don't get me wrong, i still think it's great to provide safe women only spaces and even same for men like the positive masculinity subs on reddit. But there's also something to the thing where if you group nonbinary people with women, you're also grouping them away from men at the same time, when really they should be nonbinary people should be grouped with both and neither or just be their own thing.

      I don't really know how to reconcile this, but i just came out as nonbinary this year so i'm still working through gender feels. IDK. Safe spaces are good, gender is a fucc. Maybe when they add the requested positive masculinity sub at some point they can make sure to make it enby inclusive. Or if we get really gigantic, a straight up enby/nonconforming sub where we can shitpost about destroying gender lol

      Gender: it's there if you want it, it's there if you don't