That's why they hate us deep down. They can't reconcile the fact that they are not actually the most progressive and tolerant person in the room.

We actually support the LGBT community, we don't just say we do. We don't just wait until politicians finally get on this side of the fence and then cheer when they finally get on the right side of history.

Liberals are the kind of person to say their community is accepting of all genders, all nationalities, all minorities etc. but then not ban fascists who threaten that acceptance (and even lives) because everyone deserves free speech. It's like they walk half the way, then suddenly stop and stand there, claiming this is actually where the trail ends even though you and they can clearly see the trail keeps going beyond the horizon.

We have better politics in all ways.

  • We actually want things to get better
  • We actually don't want people to die, no matter if it's from homelessness, hunger, or Ukraine.
  • We actually want to hold our politicians accountable.
  • Shit, we actually want competent officials.
  • We actually want democracy, not whatever capitalism passes off as democracy (hey here's a riddle, you get to vote every 4 years and your boss can decide your schedule without consulting you! Is that democracy?)
  • We actually recognize fascism, even when it comes from liberals.
  • We actually fight against it too.
  • We are able to deeply analyze societal issues and not simply repeat from our high school history lessons.
  • We know our history and geopolitics. Liberals will repeat from NATO propaganda. We've actually read about it.

This is impossible to the liberal who thinks so highly of themselves that they must, by default, be the most accepting and progressive person in the world.

And so they resort to calling you a CCP shill instead of actually examining their privilege and positions.

Face it liberals, we are actually the person you think you are. Not the person you want to be, because you don't want to be anything other than what you are right now (because as a liberal you are, after all, perfect). But the person you and your fellow liberals spent years building up as being a pretty great guy.

And yes that includes whatever the fuck conservatives think they are.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I have long seen the constant defensive claim of "entertainment has no effect on me," be it from liberals or self-described leftists, as an actual symptomatic sign of how insidiously deeply embedded the propaganda really is. It's just those gullible others that are being influenced, not the Main Character that is emulating the propaganda protagonists without even noticing what has happened.

      1 year ago

      I need a self-crit detox after watching most entertainment because it can still have such a corrosive effect on my mind even after so many years of fighting a liberal upbringing and education.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Me too, me too.

        I got into an prolonged argument with someone once that insisted that the 1980s GI JOE cartoon had no political message and was therefore perfect entertainment compared to the agendas and narratives of "woke programming these days." He directly and smugly said "did anyone ever tell you... the curtains are fucking BLUE?" exactly like that. smuglord

        I watched GI JOE a lot as the target age for when the original cartoon came out and, yeah, it took me a long time to so much as realize how much Reagan-era freedom-and-democracy was being nonpolitically etched into my impressionable brain back then, and even longer to banish its ideology.

        Show is still fun retroactively, but in a new lens.