That's right, the praxis thread is back, y'all!

Educated some friends? Shoveled a neighbor's driveway? Read theory? Helped a baby leftist friend dunk on the libs in an argument? Did volunteer work? Lets hear about it! Maybe it'll inspire others to get involved too! :)

  • mrbigcheese [he/him]
    4 years ago

    So you're just going to sit around and wait for someone else to come along and do the work or what? How do you think those groups were formed, just overnight suddenly? Are you part of any org? Do you do any organizing? DSA does a ton of labor organizing, tenant organizing, mutual aid, racial justice and environmental activism, anti war and anti imperialist campaigns, socialist education, etc. not just electoral work, and even in the electoral work its usually tied with community organizing. Having to have this dumb argument online with people on this site is haram, log off

      • TransComrade69 [she/her,ze/hir]
        4 years ago


        But my local DSA chapter does a ton of mutual aid, helping people join unions, organizing protests constantly, running union members for political positions on pro-worker platforms, etc. These are all things that potentially improve material conditions and at the same time even if they are largely lib, opens more people up to the left


        My point is that the DSA is a waste of time at this moment.

        Sounds like they're making pretty damn good use of their time, if you ask me. 🧐

      • dadbot [it/its]
        4 years ago

        Hi not talking about electoralism, I'm dad!