There seems to be little talk on finance on leftist spaces. Like tf do I do? I finally saved a few thousand dollars. Now what? Buy a game? Go on holiday? Buy a phone? Fuck consumerism. I can yeeet it into a term deposit and earn like 1% return in my country with rates close to 0.

Thanks to living with my parents, and being unable to buy a house, my financial situation is stable. What do I do chapos? While I wholeheartedly am against the stock market, it appears to be the only viable tool for retaining money (outpacing inflation) in our late stage capitalism at the moment.

I guess what I'm asking is is there any leftist resources/ideas on finance in a capitalist world. Many thanks, a fellow distressed chapoist.

    • T_Doug [he/him]
      4 years ago

      "I have, which will surprise you not a little, been speculating partly in American funds, but more especially in English stocks, which are springing up like mushrooms this year (in furtherance of every imaginable and unimaginable joint stock enterprise) are forced up to a quite unreasonable level and then, for most part, collapse. In this way, I have made over £400 now that the complexity of the political situation affords greater scope, I shall begin all over again. It’s a type of operation that makes small demands on one’s time, and it’s worth while running some risk in order to relieve the enemy of his money." (Marx, Letter to Lion Phillips. 1864)

      Marx agrees (£400 then equals £50,000 now)

      • CompactTie34 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Well if Marx did it :marx-angry: :curious-marx: :marx-ok: :marx: :ritzy-marx: