Hello, I am new here and am wondering where and how to learn and get into private torrent trackers?
This is what you probably already know but honestly, the best way is to know someone with an invite and if you don’t know someone irl, try to get involved in an online community.
Another way is to watch for open sign ups. Some private trackers have applications, like MyAnonamouse. Once you’re in, check out the forums for invite requirements to other private trackers. You often need to climb a few ranks to gain access to the invite sections of the forum.
Best of luck to you!
Open sign-ups is the way. Trackers with open sign-ups will usually be a bit more lenient on ratio and rules, in my experience, so they're also a good place to learn how private trackers work without getting kicked out for a silly mistake.
Don't bother. Private trackers suck. You have to maintain a certain ratio, which is much harder to do than you think when every single popular file has no leechers cause everyone's doing the same thing. So more often than not you have to download a bunch of random BS that no one wants and seed it forever just to build up a high enough ratio to finally download what you actually want.
If you're going to pay for torrents, save yourself the hassle and just sign up for Real-Debrid instead. You get direct downloads at up to 1Gbps, so it's just as fast as a private tracker, and there's no worrying about seeding since all the most popular torrents in the world are stored directly on their servers. (You can also easily add torrents that aren't already on Debrid, in which case it behaves like a seedbox.) ~$17.50 for 6 months.
With a seedbox plus freeleech torrents and bonus points you generally don't even need to worry about ratio and all of that. Plus, it feels good to give back to the community.
Real debrid and usenet seems awesome, but I never tried that just because private trackers are working perfectly fine for so many years. Building ratio is not easy on every tracker, but some of them are a joke. Lot of them reward you with points if your torrents are just active and then you can buy upload with points. OP didnt ask for movies or tv shows source, but most likely its their interest. Private trackers can provide more than just a video content, but yeah if you dont want to keep your PC online to keep seeding its probably not best option. Id rather pay for VPN and donate to trackers that share loot for free tbh, but its not for everyone
how about the absolute top private trackers like BeyondHD or PTP are they so lenient or even remotely possible to join? because those are the only ones worth joining IMO the lower tier private ones are stupid since i can grab everything they have from elsewhere
PTP is having some troubles right now, but I believe you can join almost anything with good reputation. Even lower tier trackers are better than public trackers IMO, people still care more and feels better to contribute, its probably bit more safe as well
be more specific: how difficult is it to join the top trackers that i mentioned? because ive seen plenty of people say those top ones are completely sealed up for years and i havent been able to dispute them. lower tier private trackers are pretty worthless to me
Add some public (BT) trackers to ur private torrent and share it to ur friends, you'll get what you want.
Or I could just stick with Debrid and never worry about having to share files ever again.
Get a 2tb HDD and download all the freeleech torrents and then seed forever. Most private trackers have a bonus system which you get for long-term seeding. Eventually you use bonus points for upload.
Work your way up on the rankings until you are high enough to get into the invite forums. Repeat the process until you get into all the top tier trackers (who never have open signups)
MTV/MAM/DDC are all good places to start
Trackers with open sign-ups are a good place to get started, also trackers with application forms are good for starting out too. If you have friends who are into private trackers and they know you are trustworthy and they have invites, that's another way.
Find the tracker group you want, then seed and suck up to them. It's a shallow system.
https://hdvinnie.github.io/Private-Trackers-Spreadsheet/ https://inviteroute.github.io/sheet/