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  • naples_ape [he/him]
    5 years ago


    I don't know too much, because I left before I had gotten into politics.

    All I know is that the left is non-existent in the government, and there is only a small party called Organizata Politike, used mostly for demonstrations and general activism, which are pretty decently left and make their voices heard sometimes. Zeit (german newspaper) made a pretty decent article where they were featured.

      • naples_ape [he/him]
        5 years ago

        Me behet qefi qe ekziston po nuk ka kaq popularitet me then te drejten. Sa her qe flasin njerzit per te i thrrasin komunista. Kryetari i tyre, Arlind Qorri shkon shpesh ne ca intervista po jan komplet injorante njerzit me te ciliet debaton, edhe nuk ndihmon shum as fakti qe flet me shum terma qe jan pak.... meh... per mainstream media, psh borgjezia e proletariati e kshu. Po ama mbehet qefi qe organizojn goxha demonstrata e greva minatoresh e gjera kshu, me mir se asgje. Do tet sygjeroja te kerkoje ca vid te ktij ne youtube, kan edhe nje faqe zyrtare edhe nje gazete. Nejse mbehet qefi qe ka shqiptare ktu pavarsisht se sa ua lepijm bythen amerikanve. Gjith te mirat :)