Lowkey Isekai title aside, do youze think the left can continue its revival?

It certainly feels like this past year is real Empire Strikes Back territory with the defeat of Sanders, Corbyn, and a resurgence of suppression and disorientation of nascent left movements in the west. France is still defiant, but as Mark Fisher would explain and lament, they're fighting to keep their concessions in the narrative of capitalist realism, and not to change the world.

I do see some hope in the light of the Floyd protests + Covid causing state and capitalist failures to immiserate people of their savings and livelihoods, but because workers are so disciplined against collective action or demands beyond minor breadcrumbs, it seems that any progress here has stalled.

Obviously the forces of counterrevolution are quite adept at portraying their paper tiger as nigh-omnipotent and omniscient, and even if the tiger does have claws and teeth, those massive protests really showed its capacity can only take so much.