"Asked why she is on board with an apparently smaller coronavirus package, Speaker Pelosi cites the "game-changer" of vaccine development and Biden's election. "That's OK now because we have a new president. A president who recognizes we need to depend on science. Pelosi: "That was not a mistake; that was a decision that has taken us to a place where we can do the right things without should we say 'other considerations' in the legislation that we don't want ... I'm very proud of where we are." Says she's proud of the work of her chairs"
pelosi fooling liberals into thinking she's brilliantly fighting for "us" might be one of the most impressive grifts in washington tbh.
healthcare plz.
She's going to settle on something that is all around worse than the garbage plan the republicans were pushing before the election.
It's amazing how the democrats consistently make things worse than even the lowest of republican gutter scraps.
:gui-better: :gui-better: :gui-better: :gui-better: :gui-better:
Like obama care, for instance, was/is actively worse than no healthcare at all.
With no healthcare you have some amount of bargaining you can do at least. With this shit you are forced to pay an insurance company money, which you don't have, for you to be ripped off. You are paying money to a company so that you have the privilege to receive a massive bill lmao.
And since more people are "insured" it allows for medical companies to gouge prices even more. All it did was perpetuate the high cost of medical bills.
This is literally the only thing they have done in about 30+ years that wasn't basically the exact same agenda as a republican.
The democrats are fucking demons.