It’s gonna be 4 years of shit like this, and libs will be happy as little piggies while climate change and pandemic eviction crises rage uncontrolled.
What if the next 4 years really are just Biden admin shit talking Trump without actually doing anything :unsure:
Don't worry, lots of stuff is gonna happen and Biden won't anything about that either
just this ancient creature
Idealistic purity cleansing vs material guillotines cleansing, who'd win?
hE bELIevEs iN sCieNCe #ItsHerTurnToDisinfect #GirlBoss #ArrestTheVirus
They disinfect my cubicle every night. It's a global pandemic. What's your point? The journalist, the OP, and the reward givers should be embarrassed
They will probably have to fumigate the west wing because of all the fucking fast food. Staffers are on record complaining about it. That’s the story. Not using lysol wipes during Covid...
I can almost understand being like completely doomer pilled and checked out of politics and your mindset is just "Biden is better than the crazy right wing party that thinks government shouldn't exist." These people and the fuckfaces over at neolib actively celebrate him. They think this is all some major beautiful victory. Honestly it doompills me.
But it’s a return to normalcy!!! We can finally eat brunch again without feeling guilty for drone strikes!!!!!
“Biden asleep after 9pm” is going to be a trending headline, i can see if now.
Knowing how clean the WH must be kept at all times, I immediately thought this is almost entirely just another "own" for the mOsT pRoGgReSsIvE president in history, but then again, he is almost dead and he might actually be afraid of dying by inhaling some of Trump's spittle.
imagine how much everyone is kissing Kamala's ass right now, she's going to be the real power in the White House
Imagine being so unlikeable and dull that you are going to get less than 10% in your own state but you're still gonna be president anyways
she was so ass she dropped out before the first vote so she wouldn't be absolutely humiliated. She flip flopped on every position imaginable and looked like a disingenuous twat hated by moderates for attacking biden, hated by libs for attacking warren and buttiboy, and hated by progressives for attacking bernie
(he pointed out that after kamala called out biden, it theoretically should have been the end of biden’s viability, but
go on? I didn't start tuning into primary season until after she dropped out
Oh the climate war will be fought alright, definitely not going to squander this shiny new mandate for foreign intervention.