MichelLouise [he/him]

  • 135 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • which I can’t confirm if they are, tbf

    Then I'd genuinely be curious to know more about this. You mean that they're telling us they do not have any case while they secretly update their population on the actual situation? Because as I said above, for me it was obvious that it was not a communication meant for the rest of the world, but then that it logically had to be internal propaganda.

    For the rest (taking proper steps), I'm not saying anything. Just talking about the number of cases and communication here.


    Unless they report that their entire country is crumbling under the pandemic, it’s going to get twisted into propoganda anyway.

    Wrong: even it that case it would btw.

  • Yeah, I agree with all of that. They indeed do not expect any one in the west to believe them, or to care about it. They indeed probably do not have that many cases. But, precisely, if it does not matter, then why not say the actual number? Or even just not say anything? So I have to deduce that it's meant as a message for the population? It does not say anything about how well or bad they handle the actual cases. But come on it just unironically make them look like something directly taken from a communism-is-when-propaganda Orwell book.

  • Watched the first two parts and this one is the wild ride.

    About Hypernormalization:

    In The Guardian, reviewer Charlie Lyne writes, "[this] 165-minute opus makes a feature of its sheer unwieldiness, as Curtis veers from social history to conspiracy theory via the odd rambling bar-room anecdote, like a man who’s two-dozen browser tabs into a major Wikipedia binge"

    Well now it’s the same thing except the Wikipedia binge is 8 hours. And it’s good.

  • My hot take: Most of the popular opinions here are determined by the userbase being overwhelmingly amerikkkan, not by ML vs. anar infighting or anything. Whatever the actual percentage is, the absolute domination of US-related content here is actually pretty detrimental to this community. I mean there's no problem discussing US issues if most users are actually from the US and concerned by these issues, but as a community, this website could only benefit from more diversity.

  • New reminder (after the usage of facial recognition by the police during the protests of course, but also after the more recent twitter cropping thing) that most current AI computer vision software that exists have a racist and sexist bias. Joy Buolamwini and the now famous Timnit Gebru showed in 2018 that systems showing a >99% accuracy for gender classification were actually mostly evaluated on (and developed by?) white men, and that there was a 35 points drop in accuracy when evaluating on a black female dataset. Basically, if you're a black woman, there is a >1/3 chance that AI will classify you as a man.

    (They re-evaluated the same software in a later paper showing that, compared to a control group of products that were not in the initial study, the fairness of the systems exposed improved over time. So it seems that even when it's through academic publications, bullying works.)

    But with this app the additional problem is that the system misgendering someone will not even be considered as a bug, but precisely as a feature.

  • To be fair, the OP (missing link btw ^^) was precisely asking how much each would have if all cash was distributed equally and globally. Cash, as in "coins and banknotes". And u/sqmon technically just answered the question right.

    Michael Stevens had a video about it, but basically, that's called M0. Here is a summary of the rest:

    • M1 = M0 + the rest of "immediately spendable" money, like checking accounts. 25 trillions. $3'205/human.

    • M2 = M1 + stuff a bit less accessible like savings account or time deposits. 60 trillions. $7'692/human.

    • M3 = M2 + long time deposits, institutional money, market funds, large liquid assets, ... 75 trillions. $9'615/human.

    And by the way, it has no economic sense at all, but since they did the math, I figured... The world GDP is around 88 trillions. Redistributing the entire wealth produced every year by sending a check to everyone would mean $940 stimmies every month (arguably not for long lmao).

  • I think there are a lot of dishonest agents here with the purpose of dividing the left

    It seems to me that this atmosphere of "paranoiac assumptions" is actually shared by a lot of members, even those who disagree with you. Like, have you considered there might be genuine leftist members here that disagree with your optimism for Biden but will react like you: perceiving you are a "dishonest agent here with the purpose of dividing the left"? (I'm not saying they're right, not saying you are, just saying this is indeed a lot of distrust and suspicion within all of us - always assuming bad faith from people disagreeing with you can be very destructive).

    When I talk about "paranoiac assumptions" I'm not saying that these are never justified fears. Just saying they can take many form, and are the result of many things. The left being diverse and loving dialectic so much it can't stop infighting is not new. Actual dishonest agents dividing it further is not new neither. The left reacting to external threat by looking for internal enemies is not new. Social media obviously did not help. This independent platform being a much thicker filter bubble than a sub on reddit ever was does not help either.

  • Yeah I mean the vibe change is correlated with the migration to chacha, but who knows to which extent there is causation?

    I actually think part of it is due to leaving reddit (this place was built as a safespace to preserve from wreckers, and obviously that contributed to a vibe change compared to reddit where we were already swimming in the middle of the dunk tank). But we and everything around us changed as well, it's difficult to say that people would be more open, optimistic and less on edge if they were still on the sub. The atmosphere there could be just as shitty, only in a different way.

    IMO, we should definitely try to improve this place and I have problems with the vibe here. But just complaining about how the good ol' sub was the best and trying to re-create it the vision we have of it is simply reactionary. And, as an attempt to make the today's chacha better, will inevitably fail.