Some of these people’s brains have been so thoroughly melted by neoliberalism that if they sit still for long enough their brain goop leaks out of their ears and pools around their feet.

  • Chapo_is_Red [he/him]
    4 years ago

    There aren't a lot of flows of people and goods in or out of DPRK. When the virus broke out, they reduced those flows even more to protect themselves.

    Why do you think they must have cases? Vietnam is much more internationally connected than DPRK and Vietnam reports only 2.3k. Taiwan <1k.

    Is it so unbelievable that a much much less internationally connected state could have 0 cases?

    • MichelLouise [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Counterpoint: Greenland, Antarctic, Easter Island, ... all got at least 1 detected case.