
  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    10 months ago

    LMAO I love how the new cope is going to be that Russia is being colonized by China. It's a pretty funny mask off moment since it's rooted in racism and the idea that Russia should obviously prefer to bend over for the western world order. It's also pure projection since westies can't even conceive of two countries having a mutually beneficial relationship where nobody gets exploited.

      10 months ago

      This last bit comes up in way too many of my conversations. Even ostensibly anti-imperialist decolonial types will throw in the idea that China is can only be acting in Africa because they are benefitting from it, so it isn't a positive development. Even the fact that African partners are getting genuinely important things out of these arrangements doesn't make the material difference between Chinese diplomacy and imperial extraction clear.