I don't normally criticise other YouTube presenters, but since Sabine Hossenfelder is generally a good scientific education resource, I felt I had to point o...
in the last video he makes the case that gay and lesbian couples are less oppressed than straight couples and should be taxed for it citing "only the top 10% of straight families are as well off as a mid income gay couple"
then makes the argument that the "Rainbow Movement" has an inherently middle class basis and no revolutionary potential.
he makes the case that gay and lesbian couples are less oppressed than straight couples and should be taxed for it citing "only the top 10% of straight families are as well off as a mid income gay couple"
How does someone spend their entire life researching how to use computers to plan an entire socialist economy and not realize that marginalized people tend to have greater economic difficulties?
if I recall the ridiculous core of his argument is that homosexual couples don't have children and so don't have to carry the burden of raising families unlike het proles. Which is absurd. I should know, because I was raised by two women. Is he unaware that LGBT people adopt children? Often the unwanted children of neglectful cishet parents? And also play roles in larger multigenerational family support structures even when they don't have children? Nah, he can probably figure that out. He's just a phobe. That's to say nothing of the systemic discrimination against LGBT in the home, school, workplace, places of worship, and public in general, because of antiquated bourgeois and feudal "morality" forced onto society at gunpoint by reactionaries.
in the last video he makes the case that gay and lesbian couples are less oppressed than straight couples and should be taxed for it citing "only the top 10% of straight families are as well off as a mid income gay couple"
weirdo behavior
in the last video he makes the case that gay and lesbian couples are less oppressed than straight couples and should be taxed for it citing "only the top 10% of straight families are as well off as a mid income gay couple"
then makes the argument that the "Rainbow Movement" has an inherently middle class basis and no revolutionary potential.
What the fuck is going on in Britain lol
There has GOT to be something in the water over there.
deleted by creator
How does someone spend their entire life researching how to use computers to plan an entire socialist economy and not realize that marginalized people tend to have greater economic difficulties?
if I recall the ridiculous core of his argument is that homosexual couples don't have children and so don't have to carry the burden of raising families unlike het proles. Which is absurd. I should know, because I was raised by two women. Is he unaware that LGBT people adopt children? Often the unwanted children of neglectful cishet parents? And also play roles in larger multigenerational family support structures even when they don't have children? Nah, he can probably figure that out. He's just a phobe. That's to say nothing of the systemic discrimination against LGBT in the home, school, workplace, places of worship, and public in general, because of antiquated bourgeois and feudal "morality" forced onto society at gunpoint by reactionaries.