No for real, I'm bored. Ask me stuff lol.
I'm trying to not lose my mind debugging this stupid Android app. I'm jobless and don't know what I'm doing with my life.
Recently got diagnosed with ASD at 40. I'm severely depressed and suicidal. I listen to shitty music, read theory and pretend I understand it, oh and I'm super hungover because I suffer from alcoholism. I'm an open book so please don't doxx me <3.
Joe BidenI actually don't really have a favorite dinosaur. I didn't know this until very recently but part of being on the spectrum is having a hard time answering what your favorite xyz is. I've spent way too long trying to come up with a canned response for favorite horror movie or metal band and realized people aren't actually wanting an essay as a response.
I guess my generic response is the baby from the tv show "Dinosaurs" because he was there for slapstick and I dig that.
If I had to pick an actual real dino, maybe T-Rex?