Electoralism - Rigged voting rules, media has too much power in shaping public opinion, gerrymandering, EC, PMC libs spoiler votes, reactionary right spoiler votes, straight-up voter fraud

Unions - Horrible labor laws, get fired for starting one, get fired for any union action, existing unions co-opted by bosses, concessions gained are minor and do not practically contribute towards socialism in any way, any action against scabs gets you arrested, supply chains are international making local action less effective

Direct action - get destroyed by either the police, reactionaries or 3-letter agencies if you take any direct action that breaks laws. Direct action that doesn't break the law are ineffectual and easily co-opted.

So what option is left?

  • PermaculturalMarxist [they/them]
    4 years ago

    The formation of a communist party that can make use of electoralism, unions, and direct action along with all other methods of engaging the masses in a strategically far-sighted and coherent way. This is the working class' greatest tool against capitalist oppression and tyranny.