There is sharp increase of "India bad" news currently. Few years ago during their worst crackdown on Kashmir, western media completely ignored that, because US were using India against China. Even few months ago Biden went to India and explicitly told Modi US won't talk about any Indian atrocities. But now India refused to get on board of US sanctions and warmongering, so are they being ditched? Maybe even consent is being manufactured for some sort of imperialist aggression, especially that Russia plan failed and China look more and more impossible?

  • FuckyWucky [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    No. Quite the opposite. During the G20 Summit, India allowed U.S. jets to refuel in India. Whatever criticisms of India in western media is just that, mere talk.

    The recent India sponsored assassination on western soil is the reason for the increased rhetoric. India killed a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil which is very different from atrocities committed on other side of the planet.

    India also has cheap labor and sizable (top 5-10% earners) consumer base for western capitalists to sell to.

    Also, India is looking to purchase American weapons.

      • FuckyWucky [none/use name]
        1 year ago

        India is playing both sides. Besides, BRICS is more about economic cooperation than military. India will not join any anti-Russia alliance like NATO Plus but will happily join anti-China alliance like QUAD.

        And yes there have been economic disagreements between India and China as well. Look at how the recent SCO meeting went.

            1 year ago

            Absolutely this but we would have to see a major purge of the communists before this became a worry.

                1 year ago

                There are a lot of communists in India. If it became a full on proxy for the USA we would see some serious resistance.

                • loathesome
                  1 year ago

                  Unfortunately communists have next to no power in the central government. They do not present any kind of threat that has an immediate need of purging.

                • ☭CommieWolf☆
                  1 year ago

                  I see this being said a lot but this is not true. There are a lot of communists in India, true, but this is just a consequence of the massive population. In relation to all the other political parties and groups, they account for barely 1% of the political power in the country.

          1 year ago

          Actually NATO+ was against China and India disagreed on that. QUAD has little to no potential that's why US preferred all the white nations called AUKUS. New Zealandaners got left behind though.

      1 year ago

      It's interesting how people are instantly assuming that India is responsible for the murder. It is based on what? The words of Trudeau, who tells us it's from an unnamed source (apparently the Five Eyes). We cannot have actual evidence because it's all Intelligence stuff. It's a "Trust us bro" moment, and I have no trust for the people who keep feeding us lies about Iraq, Russia, China, etc.

    1 year ago

    Well they are stunned how a brown Asian nation had the dare to kill their own citizen (was in the wanted list of India).

    1 year ago

    This whole thing looks more and more like plain racism and nacism as days go by.

    Now everyone not white or under direct white occupation by whites is being hated and everyone white is good, even (or especially) an ex SS officers.

    Quite scary development of situation.

    I think they are just very surprised that India has grown some spine in last decade or so, and are protecting their own interests.