and that NSBM band, peste noire, released an EP with neige called literally "aryan supremacy" - that was in 2001, the same year when neige started alcest as well
uhh ok so neige has said this about the subject:
"I never was involved in any way with any political, racist or xenophobic ideologies. I was just a musician in Peste Noire, most of the time session musician, I never took part of the lyrics or philisophy of the band. At the "Aryan Supremacy" period I was 15 years old and I didn't think about the consequence of recording some music with that band, it always was just musical participation for me. Alcest has NOTHING to do with any hate-based philosophy like racism and as a person I am absolutely NOT into nazism, racism and such ideologies."
which as far as these answers go is actually pretty unapologetic right? actually kinda good, maybe he was an edgy teenager who didn't give a fuck really
but it gets a bit more complicated because by the time alcest released its first demo (2001 as well), the other members left the band, which became a solo project...... was only in 2009 that neige got a new member, a drummer - called winterhalter ....
......who also played in peste noire except he did it from fucking 2006-2008
not only that, but that same drummer? he was playing in neige's other project in 2007, amoseours
so there's no fucking way he just cut ties with the band or the whole scene back then right?? like he literally shared a fucking band member with peste noire??
to make matters worse neige described amoseours being formed in the summer of 2004 in Bagnols-sur-Cèze with the purpose of creating music that "reflects the dark side of the industrial era and modern civilization" which i can no longer read as anything else but a conservative dog whistle
is this fucking guy a closeted nazi
i can't listen to a nazi fucks band
he's a fucking crypto-nazi isn't he
One of the few good places on r*dd*t is /r/rabm. BM has a fash problem, but there is definitely a fight to be had to not let the entire genre become a cesspit.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck... it's probably a duck.
But thanks for sharing, OP. Hurts to read bc I used to be obsessed with Alcest. Bummer.
If Ihsahn or Myrkur turn out to be Nazis, no one tell me, I don't want to know. I can't afford to lose any more good bands to this shit.
yea, i mean, they claim to hate capitalism when in actuality they hate consumerism because they associate it with "modern degeneracy", but they do say "capitalism" every time
i'm not convinced by his argument at all, i find it veeery hard to believe he couldn't find other, non-NSBM musicians for his project
besides i've just also found out that he also played with another nazi - this one pretty open about it, audrey sylvain - in his other project, amoseours
like it's just nazis and peste noire-associated people everywhere fuck that
is that a yes
it is a yes right...
dude this band was about to become one of my 3 favorites ever and trust me that... means a lot
my fucking god i hate europeans
It’s a real bummer (I have no idea in this case).
I haven’t listened to alcest in quite a while (the piano was cool), but over the past year I’ve basically cut black metal out of my life because it’s just so tiring to figure out who’s a nazi and who isn’t, or more generally just have nagging suspicions and no energy to try and investigate.
Considering a lot of BM is mediocre, it really sucks to find a good band and have to toss em
didn't know about sylvain and the fact that she played on amoseours too makes it all even worse lmao
thought about pirating, but it's like... enjoying someone's work is the greatest form of praise, subjectively speaking it's far worse than giving the guy a few points on spotify or whatever
besides just imagine talking about the band to someone else: yea dude there's this band i really enjoy though i don't listen to it on spotify and lastfm, i kinda listen to it on downloaded files with dopamine because like he's a nazi so it feels very uncomfortable but i really love it!!
Check out Violet Cold! Not exactly the same but I found them on r/RABM (leftist blackmetal sub) and they have that atmospheric quality i love about Alcest
This is apparently a huge problem for blackmetal/ blackgaze fans...
listening to violet cold's anemie and it's great thanks!!!! :heart-sickle: