Swap Felix and Amber and you have a stew. I don't really mind Amber or Will either, but Amber can lay down the obvious hot take and will can be a bit of a snob occasionally, but he brings it back usually by making people reflect on loving those that care about you. Virgil has always been the snarky third wheel, prove me wrong.
Swap Felix and Amber and you have a stew. I don't really mind Amber or Will either, but Amber can lay down the obvious hot take and will can be a bit of a snob occasionally, but he brings it back usually by making people reflect on loving those that care about you. Virgil has always been the snarky third wheel, prove me wrong.
Oh to be clear, I am not one to hate. But I will rank my love
It's all part of her role as the Pragmatic Idealist
That hipster cred secures his place as the everyman
Which would be the best I could ever possibly do