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  • PeoplesRepublicOfNewEngland [he/him]
    1 year ago

    The irrefutable fact that all the Oceangate soda can explorers all had iPhones just occurred to me last night. iPhones and the Oceangate submersible are basically the same product

    Also critical support to the EU for ruining their dumb proprietary plug party that shit was hilarious. Hope they do every single other overpriced, proprietary, and deliberately unfixable piece of garbage component Apple makes next

    I was talking about how awful Apple was with a friend the other day and started screaming about how much I fucking hate Apple (I guess there are iPhone owners who refuse to date Android owners? I guess they enjoy signaling that they are rich enough to not know anything about technology and have spent their lives treated like babies like the imperial Chinese nobles did with giant fingernails showing they never work? Man I hate apple) and my wife was like they are giving me an apple for my next work computer and I was like dafoe-horror

    I call it Rotten Apple Joe in the tradition of the classic film Yatta