When protests like this happen, streams are deleted quickly because chuds understand that it's not great to have this kind of evidence sitting around. Join the data archival effort - let's catalogue it now, sift through it later.
Bellingcat thread about this: https://twitter.com/bellingcat/status/1346925875661565958
r/datahoarder megathread - https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/krx449/megathread_archiving_the_capitol_hill_riots/
I'm not as worried about the stuff already posted in the datahoarder thread, but what I am more interested in is the stuff that isn't as popular at the moment. Unfortunately, by virtue of being less popular, it's also harder to find.
Download facebook/periscope/twitter/youtube streams, or send links to them in this thread if you're not able to download them. Post threads you've found on social media sites, and take screenshots. If you're posting something, it'd be greatly appreciated if you could also take and keep screenshots of it, if able. Look through reactionary image boards/link aggregators ( you know the ones i'm talking about) and find threads with interesting info. Same thing: download videos, take screenshots, and catalogue it.
I recommend naming stuff as you go along, as doing it later is really difficult.
If you don't know how to download stuff, there's threads in the datahoarder subreddit for that. Posting links in this thread is also EXTREMELY helpful, since people who are able to download stuff don't have to sift through material - they can focus on just downloading.
Let's get going, comrades!