Let's be fair, if we only get this, $10k in loan forgiveness and $1,400 Biden will be a better president than Obama, for folks in the US, anyways.

  • Mouhamed_McYggdrasil [they/them,any]
    4 years ago

    I've been wondering about this since it seems like a great opportunity for grifters to scam people. Like you start a company that plants treats to provide carbon vouchers or wtf to companies who do a lot of pollutin still. Then you also start a company that builds forests for people who just want a forest for whatever reason, like for landscraping or for a rich guy to have a maze in front of their castle to keep the peasants out. Then you charge the carbon-write-off guy, and you charge the forest-maze guy, but you only end up constructing one forest, and billing both of them for it. I have no idea if thats very legal and very cool, if its one of those things like insider trading that Capitalism has decided lifts away too much of the curtain so they have to make it illegal... It sure feels like the latter. I can't really think of any historical analolgues to this situation either, so I'm double-stumped (much like the forest probably will be in a couple years, when the grifter sells it to a third company as a lumber source)