Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • Seagoon_@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    Bill and Ted update.

    Bill Cat wakes up in the morning, slowly yawns, stretches, scratches his ear, licks his tummy, stretches again, stumbles a few feet away, stretches and yawns again. Blinks in the bright sunlight.

    Ted Cat. Runs up and down the stairs, checks every single food bowl, vacuums any scraps that may have been left over after dinner, then asks "What's for breakfast" before running up and down stairs again.

  • Thornburywitch@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    It has occurred to me that with the warmth, and now moisture, that certain mushrooms may be springing up in bushland. Not the fatal ones, the fun ones.

    • Bottom_racer@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      Still amuses me when looking after hambam the border collie, taking it for a walk at the local park, bunch of kids were trodding through garden beds when the fun mushies were going. I explained to them good luck the council had just sprayed glyphosate over the entire area literally a few days prior and their best bet was to try the lower area where they hadn't sprayed and was more damp.

      They had the GALL to question my mispent youth and left empty handed.

  • landsharkkidd@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    I did my due diligence and voted early. While a democracy sausage is great, I just don't want to deal with people and my chronic pain.

  • danwritesbooks@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    Where I work is a large rectangular room. It's me and 2 others. The other 2 aren't here at the moment.

    I sit at the far end, behind me is a wall and behind that are 5 doors - 3 go to toilets, 1 to a meeting room and 1 to a cupboard. There are 2 ways into this office, the front door which leads outside and to the side of it is a door leading upstairs. Both are in front of me.

    So, I'm sitting here, on my own when some lady walks in. I've never seen her before. But she has a work badge on. She says hello and then disappears into the area behind me where the toilets are.

    That was 20 minutes ago.

    After about 10 minutes I realised I hadn't seen her leave or heard any noises and start wondering if I imagined it or what. So I take a look into the hallway. The office is empty. 2 of the three toilet doors are open, no lights on. The cupboard is the cupboard. No way she's in there. Only place to be is the last door leading to the toilet. But the lights are off so either doing a very peaceful poop or she's not there.

    Also the fans are randomly going off.

    So weird.

  • calhoon2005@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    Just woke from a nap.. Had the windows open so had lovely rain noise to lull me to sleep. Would recommend.

  • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    I didn't get through the first syllable of "Kelpie would you like to come in?" before he was already inside, sitting on his bed and looking at me wondering why I had the door open talking to no one.

  • Bottom_racer@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    I just want to say the shoes I bought a few months ago (asics something or rather) just inspires confidence on melbourne's wet bluestone. These things stick to the ground it's amazing.

    Just knowing you're not ending up on the ground is an amazing feeling.

  • bananafungus@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    Holy mcfuck, when it rains it pours, got offered a job I really really want and the pay cut will be minimal. Now I have to go send some, "sorry, but" emails.

  • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
    1 year ago

    Mr Woof really wants a morning walk. I've tried explaining about wind and showed him the rain radar, but he just doesn't understand.

  • Dalek Thal@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    Anxiety right before work; fighting off a panic attack. I suddenly feel like I'm in real danger of homelessness in the immediate future, related to my apparent inability to get a damn grad role.


    • SituationCake@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      Not sure what industry you are in, but the grad role market might pick up in the new year when companies look to hire. However, your priority should be your own welfare and if that means taking a job not in your field so you have income, then do that. I’ve known grads that have had unrelated jobs initially but gone on to find work in their chosen fields, as long as it’s not too long between graduating and grad role.

  • wscholermann@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    Went back to the gym for the first time in six months yesterday on account of an injury. Didn't really go that hard but nonetheless muscles still feeling it today.