Hello, I'd like to take a moment to introduce myself and seek input from our community regarding a new feature we're considering implementing in the Prolewiki Library.

I’m the new Library Maintainer for Prolewiki. My responsibilities are to fix any incomplete library works, make the library easy to navigate, collect feedback and analyze how you all use it to make it better. Essentially, I'm here to ensure that the library functions smoothly and is user-friendly.

Lately at Prolewiki we have been exploring the idea of adding notes and introductions to the books, articles and other works in the library in the form of footnotes and an introduction paragraph. This serves a couple of purposes: firstly, it allows us to bring awareness to mistakes in the text, and secondly, it provides contextual information to deepen comprehension.

This is ONLY about adding notes and introductions, we would NOT be removing or changing anything from works we upload like the MIA Does! With that in mind we have some questions we would like to ask to get feedback from you about this feature.


  1. Do you believe that having footnotes/introductions for corrections and context would enhance the overall quality of content in our library and make it more trustworthy?

  2. Would you consider using Prolewiki more often for the same books and articles that you can also find on other websites if we provided helpful notes or introductions?

  3. Do you think they should be used solely for corrections and context, or should they also allow for opinions and interpretations?

  4. How concerned are you about potential abuse or misuse such as biased commentary or incorrect information? Would this possibility make you less likely to use our library?

  5. Are there any specific examples of books, articles, or works in the library that you believe would greatly benefit from this feature at this time? Please provide some examples.

  6. How do you think we could name the Prolewiki introduction paragraph to make it clear this is a ProleWiki addition?

  7. What additional suggestions or concerns do you have about the implementation of this feature in our library?

Thank you for your feedback comrades!!!

  • blakeus12 [he/him]
    1 year ago
    1. yeah
    2. if the books are completed, definitely. MIA is not that great to be honest
    3. probably in different sections, but overall i think so. it'd be a good idea to allow for separate interpretations abd opions to help readers view every opinion on the text and help them form their own conclusions
    4. i think as long as they are moderated it should be find, and people should be allowed to bring up issues on this comm
    5. not really, i have been reading theory offline for the past two books i have read and still considering what to read next
    6. "Prolewiki Addition: Extra Context" or something
    7. none, great work comrades