:MAS: "Evo del Pueblo Y para el Pueblo":MAS:


Politician and leader of the Bolivian cocalero movement. Elected president of the republic since December 18, 2005, he is the first indigenous person in the history of Bolivia to reach the head of state.

He began his activism in the trade union movement in the 1980s, in the Confederación Sindical Única de Trabajadores Campesinos de Bolivia (CSUTCB), reaching the leadership of the Special Federation of the Tropics, one of the six union federations of coca producers that are organized in the area of the Cochabamba tropics and which since 1991 are coordinated by a Coordination Committee chaired by Evo Morales.

He was one of the founders of the Political Instrument for the Sovereignty of the Peoples (IPSP) that would later be allied with the Movement to Socialism(MAS) to participate in the general elections of 1997, in which he was elected deputy for Cochabamba.

He ran as president in 2002 ending on 2° place, then ran again in 2005 . Bolivians went to the polls on December 18, 2005 and in a majority way supported the marked anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist and anti-neoliberal program of Evo Morales eventually winning with 54% of the vote

With the slogan "We are the people, we are MORE!", Morales beat all the odds and won the elections with a historic victory; The victory in the legislative elections did not leave room for doubt either, and the MAS obtained an absolute majority in the Chamber of Deputies. Their electoral performance was lower in the Senate and in the departmental prefectures.

On January 22, 2006, Evo Morales took possession of the highest magistracy in the country. The day before, he had been invested as Jacha Mallku [Great Condor], the highest authority of the indigenous peoples, in a ceremony held in Tiwanaku, the Aymara capital.

His victory coincided with a moment of turning to the left in numerous governments in Latin America (The Pink Tide) and occurred after a series of popular mobilizations that aimed to claim the historical right to cultivate coca. of the indigenous and promote a greater benefit of the country's natural resources for Bolivians.

The Rainbow color Flag is the Wiphala is normally used to Represent the indigenous people's of the Andes, it's also the dual flag of Bolivia :MAS:

Also today is Antonio Gramsci birthday

The State and Revolution

:lenin-shining: :unity: :kropotkin-shining:

The Conquest of Bread

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  • Rem [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Weed fans, help me with the acronyms. There's thc and cbd right? Which one is the "ah my body feels relax" chemical and which is the "ah my head feels sloooo" chemical? I was thinking of buying some edibles but I want to know what I'm actually getting, since last time I did I just got something that made my body feel sleepy but not really and that was the only effect.

    And all the websites that explain it are either too sciencey or feel like they're trying to seek me something, so I'm coming to you all instead of just googling it.

    Oh also I heard having an orgasm while you're high feels super great, is that tied to any of the active ingredients or is that just a general thing?

    • BarfsackOcrumbo [any,she/her]
      4 years ago

      I think you probably had cbd. thc is more heady

      EDIT: not sure about orgasms; weed kills my sex drive and replaces it with nerdy tinkering instincts but ymmv

    • RosaBremen [she/her,they/them]
      4 years ago

      Orgasm stuff can definitely be something that's different person to person or strain to strain. I've definitely had a more intense high orgasm a few times, but it's never been a super consistent thing. Ymmv etc

      • Rem [she/her]
        4 years ago

        It's legal where I am, but I'll remember satvia, because I don't want to just get frozen. Are thc/cannabis edibles a thing, and will it appear on the label? I'd just smoke it but I don't want to get the smell in my room and I don't want to splurge on a vape since I'm not interested in getting high very often.

          • Rem [she/her]
            4 years ago

            Thanks for the advice 😊

            I'm not exactly new to it, but I'm a very infrequent user. My tolerance seems all over the place sometimes so I'll definitely play it safe, I've heard edibles can hit you hard and all at once if you fuck up the dose.

            • Goovis__young [he/him]
              4 years ago

              My tolerance seems to vary too but i've always heard that taking an edible after eating a fatty meal helps it to really hit. something about the cannabinoids and the fat absorption. it seems to work for me

      • LangdonAlger [any]
        4 years ago

        What's said here is on point, but I'll vouch for indicas. Yes, they give the ultimate relaxed, sleepy feeling, but i also get the really good mind-wandering-daydream feeling, whereas the few times i've done sativa-heavy strains, i get more anxiety and the active mind thoughts consistently went negative (even though i'm a pretty stable, happy person all things considered)