I really don't give a fuck where you're at in the book, tell us your thoughts so far. And I better not seeing any of you shitlibs saying "Wahhh someone already said this buttttt", I don't give a single fuck. I want to hear them regardless of whether or not someone has already said something similar. Put your thoughts out there and I won't ask again. Do some self-crit amongst each other.

  • Are you beginning to understand how trans issues are inexplicably tied to cis people as well as trans people?
  • What can be done materially on this site to further the trans struggle?
  • What have you learned from Trans Liberation?
  • What was shocking for you to read about?
  • What misconceptions regarding trans struggles did you have that were clarified through the reading?
  • Is there anything you didn't understand that you have questions about?
  • Do you have a better understanding of what 'trans rights' entails instead of meaninglessly shouting it into the void?
  • Have you learned anything about yourself through reading this book involving your own gender?
  • Are there things that brought out intense emotion?
  • Literally anything else you want to say. God, please, just fucking discuss.

For any of you confused about language used throughout the book, I highly encourage you to read this brief wall of text that I wrote breaking things down.

If you found the parts about Leslie's interactions with doctors to be horrifying, please read this comment from yours truly about my experience with needing to find a new doctor a couple weeks ago and the challenges I faced with that. I got very lucky and that experience is no where N E A R as bad as M O S T of us have had it, but it's an experience I feel comfortable sharing.

Here is a comment from Quartz talking about her own lived experiences with transphobia. Read it and let the emotional confusion that this is the life a lot of us are forced to live flow through you.

  • RosaBremen [she/her,they/them]
    4 years ago

    I really enjoyed reading this, so thank you for taking the time write it out and share!

    I have a couple recommends for you if you want! First is Black on Both Sides which continues the topic of trans issues and the intersections with Blackness. I'm still in the early parts of this book so I can't speak too much overall but I've really enjoyed it so far!

    The other book I would recommend (even though it's not on trans issues) is Pedagogy of the Oppressed because I think it's so helpful in realizing one's own place in structures of oppression.

    We must all be constantly criticising our own internalised beliefs, even those that we see as self-evident, as to do otherwise would be morally and analytically unforgivable.

    specifically this quote really stood out to me as a great mindset to focus on when getting into Pedagogy of the Oppressed, as it really outlines how liberation is only possible through a collective awakening of consciousness in the masses, and that we each have a role to play in our own and others' awakening.