
Feinberg came of age working in factories, and joined the Workers World Party, later becoming a writer and managing editor for the Workers World newspaper, where hir “Lavender & Red” articles discussed LGBT issues.

In 1992 ze published Transgender Liberation: A Movement Whose Time Has Come, followed by hir first novel, Stone Butch Blues, a year later. The novel struck a chord with readers worldwide, and was translated into several languages, including Chinese, Turkish, Italian, and Hebrew. A later book, Transgender Warriors: Making History from Joan of Arc to RuPaul, won the Firecracker Alternative Book Award.

Ze went on to publish a collection of articles and a second novel, Drag King Dreams, in 2006. Beyond hir writing, Feinberg spent decades fiercely advocating for a wide spectrum of disadvantaged groups, including the disabled, the working class, women, homosexuals, and transgender people.

After decades of battling complications from Lyme disease, Feinberg died at the age of sixty-five.

Trans Liberation: Beyond Pink or Blue

PDF download

chapter 1 audiobook - By comrade @futomes

chapter 2 audiobook

chapter 3 audiobook

chapter 4 audiobook

chapter 5 audiobook

chapter 6 audiobook

chapter 7 audiobook

chapter 8 audiobook

The State and Revolution

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The Conquest of Bread

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    • BillyMays [he/him]
      4 years ago

      True. I forget people don’t get caught in the struggle sessions. A bunch of people think that telling people not to have kids is moral, because the world is bad right now.

    • gobble_ghoul [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Judging by how he responded to me simply saying that there are decent ethical arguments to be made that having children is less moral than not having them, yes.

        • BillyMays [he/him]
          4 years ago

          This is why I came to megathread. I know the regulars don’t fall for reactionary view points that ez.

        • gobble_ghoul [he/him]
          4 years ago

          I really don't consider that viewpoint to be nihilistic. It's not that I don't think we shouldn't improve things for people who do choose to have kids and I'm not advocating for them not to.

            • gobble_ghoul [he/him]
              4 years ago

              I don't see how it's any more reactionary than a stance like veganism. In all seriousness, can you please explain to me what's so reactionary about saying "I think it's less ethical to keep creating more sentient life than it is to just not but we should try to improve life for everyone regardless of whether they decide to have children or not, since people obviously still will"? And what do you mean "like it's philosophy"? It is a thing that is actually discussed in philosophy and it's kind of weird to act like it's not.

                • gobble_ghoul [he/him]
                  4 years ago

                  lol what the fuck is this dogshit comparison. The only similarity is that they are a personal choice.

                  A personal choice that inherently creates the conditions for unnecessary suffering to exist.

                  The reaction of “it’s immoral because Malthusian bullshit” inherently says that the Global Poor are Evil for Having Children. If you cannot see how that viewpoint is reactionary, I don’t know what to tell ya.

                  So we're at the point again where you are making up shit that I have literally never said.

                  You haven’t outlined your Reasons for Why It’s Immoral, just that you’re claiming it is. I cannot dismantle an argument that doesn’t even have any remote structure.

                  So why are you making up things to strawman me about instead of asking my reasoning? It has literally nothing to do with Malthus and just that on balance, I think there is a high risk of extreme suffering in life and absolutely zero risk in plain non-existence. That's it, that's the entire argument. That doesn't lead to the inherent conclusion that you should kill yourself like you claimed earlier, and it's not a hardline stance that I think should be made into policy by anyone.

                  shut the fuck up this is some 101 shit. go read a book and stop being online

                  lmao the classic "read theory" without even offering a starting point. look, if you want people to be part of your movement, being a massive dick over a minor quibble is not the way to go about doing it. educating people is also 101 shit and you suck at doing it.

                    • gobble_ghoul [he/him]
                      4 years ago

                      lmao, we're both debate bros, who are you kidding dude?

                      if there is suffering in life and none in death then the conclusion is to end life

                      yeah man, murder is cool and everyone should definitely do it because i don't believe the years i lived with depression and horrible back pain are something i would ever want to risk putting a child through. you got me, guess i was right all those times i wanted to kill myself lol