The title. I messaged the Chinese government. I don't care if I'm silly, but a commune for immigrant communists which would help with language learning and possibly even fully independent life in said society if language gets mastered adequately is a legitimate need I feel overlooked in really dehumanizing ways. Just because someone didn't have the privilege to get a sought-after dyploma doesn't mean they have to die funding fascism with their labour. Not having such a sought-after dyploma doesn't mean you will be a drag upon the society. It's a really dehumanizing narrative. Besides, you can even get further education once you move and become a super productive member of a socialist country.

I'm gonna look into contact to Cuban gov and NK govs. Not sure if reaching out to the Vietnamese gov makes sense, based on the comments I saw saying the population itself wasn't communist, but maybe I've misread or fell for misinformation.

Perhaps it will all amount to nothing, which is what I expect, but the least I can do in life is try. Maybe the stars align and I can help comrades escape fascism.

    11 months ago

    Idk, The DPRK never responds to their emails in my experience. I've begged them too many times to let me study at Kim-il-Sung university