You know who else was a mean, toxic, weirdly emotional leader whose praxis was sus and probably not that effective? Uncle Joe :stalin-garrison:
and ironically despite hating LGBT people, he was still more of a comrade to the vast majority of "queer" people than any woke socialist who lives in a center of imperialism, and benefits from not fighting against it. The woman who cancelled Shahid (for being toxic and allegedly having bad election running praxis, although the DSA is not a real party so who cares what they think?) said this:
Prior to my involvement in politics, I found my passion in advocating for workers rights in the specialty coffee industry that I had worked in for 13 years
Socialist praxis is always good to see, but it's beyond parody that these hipsters are driven by unequal distribution of superprofits extracted from South America/African child slaves. These "woke socialists" are cringe every single time I spend five seconds observing them. Do you want to bet if they've ever tweeted about the queer subjectivity of their slaves or their toxic work environment? I doubt it!!!
Ah yes Shahid is Stalin
Wise comparison