Homes in Gaza are being heavily and successively bombed for another night. There is no electricity, water, fuel, medicine, or food.

"My two children were martyred while hungry," said a Gazan mother.

Massacres repeat themselves daily under the protection of the US and Western governments. Without warning, rubble buries entire families. Internationally-banned white phosphorus sears flesh.

70% of Gaza's population are refugees, whose families were violently exiled from their homes in the 1948 Nakba. Displaced once, over 10% of Gaza's population is displaced again, with entry and exit denied.

Yet the arrogant, criminal West has the audacity to claim that Palestinians are the criminals for resisting a 16-year siege of this open air prison. While world governments are hauntingly silent, Gaza insists on resisting after the world failed to give them justice. How can the cry for freedom, dignity, and return be anything but profoundly human?

Every stone thrown, every rocket launched, every settlement liberated is a reflection of our aspirations for liberation. Gaza breaks free, insisting on returning, for to resist is to survive.