The Western world yet again fails to live up to its moral pedestal

    11 months ago

    I guess France's state position is pro-apartheid and in support of multi-decade ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, then. Which, you know... tell me some thing new :(

      11 months ago

      The good news is that people in the world, as a whole, seem to be viewing this differently now than in the past. It’s the governments more than anything that are calling for blood. This suggests to me that the next generation of leaders might behave differently.

        11 months ago

        Until the next generation of leaders ends up sharing the same class interests as the old. It's not an accident that all the western leaders are pro colonial project and pro genocide. Crushing and exploiting the global south is absolutely required for the continued functioning of the western hegemony and the enrichment of its elites.

          11 months ago

          I really do believe that Gen Z is different, though. People are people and there is a variety of opinion out there, but as a whole, they really feel different to me. They aren't looking at the world through greedy and materialistic eyes the way previous living generations did.

        11 months ago

        I’d noticed the same and was pleasantly surprised.

        When this all broke out one my first thoughts was whether the post 9/11 experience would provide some balance in the west that would otherwise have been lacking. I feel like that might be true to an extent.

    11 months ago

    You know, I often raise an eyebrow when Lemmy jumps straight to the "this action is directly fueled by racism!" Argument, but... well, this time I completely agree.

    The basis of this ban, as far as I can gather, goes like this:

    1. Terrorism is bad, so pro-terrorist demonstrations are banned
    2. Palestine deliberately targetted & killed civilians in an ongoing, messy conflict
    3. Ergo, Palestine demonstrations are now banned

    That third link in the chain of logic is what bothers me about what's happening in France. Targetted mass killing of civilians during war is detestable... but it's not terrorism. Calling Palestine a terrorist state on that basis is a double-standard -- one which I can only conclude is driven by the fear of what Palestinians believe & look like.