• 18 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • Honestly it sounds like you're just coping by suggesting this argument:

    Imperialism is the main contradiction of our era. China presenting a viable alternative to US/European hegemony and helping to usher in a multipolar world is a major accomplishment that will improve global wellbeing.


    Rational- it is, the argument is based on an understanding of anticolonial and multipolar theory. If you'd like to learn Id suggest starting off with "wretched of the earth" and "imperialism the highest stage of capitalism" before moving on to more modern stuff

    On topic- you were complaining about China doing bad shit without getting into specifics, I said "yeah, like (examples of massive accomplishments)" and then I mentioned that they were helping erode a unipolar imperialist system. I think helping to erode a unipolar imperialist system is a big accomplishment and fits into the topic.

    Good faith- I don't see how I've given any indication that I'm not being earnest in my beliefs.

    Moving goalposts- i really don't know how to respond to this, where do you think I initially placed them, and where do you think I moved them to?

  • OK, so China has looked out for its own interests and created an economic advantage for a fraction of its own population.

    800 million people being lifted out of poverty is a massive achievement. How dare the evil communists do good things because it keeps them popular for some reason /s

    And yet, still the largest source of methane emission.

    Wow, I bet China hasn't thought about that. https://dialogue.earth/en/climate/what-does-chinas-new-methane-plan-mean-for-the-climate/#:~:text=Implementation%20is%20key&text=For%20example%2C%20the%20plan%20requires,and%20exceed%2085%25%20by%202030.

    As a product they can sell. Let’s not pretend like this has some altruistic motivation.

    Making solar cheaper and selling it to people who would otherwise use fossil fuels is good actually.

    In fact, the BRI is trapping numerous countries in unsustainable levels of debt. At the same time, bilateral trade, though often increasing after the conclusion of a deal, remains one-sided, where China extracts resources for exports but imports cheap finished goods of questionable quality that undermine local manufacturers. reference

    You didn't read this critically, if you did you'd see some of their sources being guardian articles that are like "some people are concerned about how much money China is loaning out" which doesn't really prove anything. If you look at their history of debt forgiveness you'd realize this rhetoric is just projection from IMF ghouls.

    India has repeatedly said it will not join BRI because it does not offer a level playing ground to the country’s businesses. reference

    Okay? They're free to do protectionism for local bourgeois industry. You'll note China hasn't sailed ships into their harbors and insisted with rifles, unlike the Europeans.

    Let’s stay on topic. If you want to discuss NATO, we can do that after.

    Imperialism is the main contradiction of our era. China presenting a viable alternative to US/European hegemony and helping to usher in a multipolar world is a major accomplishment that will improve global wellbeing.

  • Genuinely what would you suggest?

    How much political education goes into learning about how abuse culture perpetuates itself in activist subcultures?

    Yes; there was no mechanism to go around local leadership. Now there is.

    That's kinda beside the point, that only helps if the victim is actually reporting

    Explain the policy, talk a great deal about comradely behavior and expectations of conduct, and do our best to get their vibe. If that’s not sufficient I would again ask for a concrete suggestion.

    I'd need to know more detail on how this is done.

  • What more would you suggest? Any accusation is an immediate suspension. Then it goes to this body. The system is simple and direct.

    The problem is that being able to escalate it to another committee doesn't really resolve the organizational issues that allow abuse? Abuse takes a lot of grooming of accomplices, how does PSL inoculate against that and how do they determine what organizational failures within a group allowed for abuse to happen and correct them?

    The politics of the site is it’s an anarchist who hates PSL and exclusively writes about how PSL is and why tankies are bad.

    Oh, well fuck them then. The evidence from the org they present still paints a very shitty picture of the org. Is the letter from women in national leadership doctored?

  • The result of the internal process around Steven Powers is that it was poorly handled at all levels and structures needed to be put in place to ensure that never happened again. The body I referred to above has final authority on any cases related to sexual impropriety, harassment, and abuse. Comrades are able to directly contact this body if they feel the need to go around intermediate leadership bodies for any reason.

    What other changes happened beyond being able to go to this body directly and skip intermediate leadership? Because that sounds like a good idea but also completely inadequate on its own.

    I’ve been in the party for two years and never seen anything like this. Our practice of democratic centralism is extremely democratic, and even candidates who don’t get a formal vote are given significant say in the process. I don’t know how else to repudiate something so vague.


    this goes into some misuse of democratic centralism in the Steven case. Not sure about the politics of the site but the evidence provided seems pretty damning. You'll note that the issue with the case wasn't a delayed reaction, the response by women in national leadership was pretty overtly anti-feminist.

  • Honestly how is that? This is always so vague. There was one high profile case that the organization was slow to respond

    Are you referring to the Steven Powers case? Because the issues there go further than failing to respond, they straight up used disciplinary measures to protect an abuser. And the Steven powers case isn't the only one.

    I will admit my bias on this issue though, I've had several encounters with PSL members where they've disrespected my bodily autonomy in mild-moderate ways to the point that I feel it is a pattern and am more inclined to believe specific reports of abuse.

    Then we established a national-level body composed entirely of survivors to investigate and adjudicate these cases.

    Can you give me any details on this?

    Please elaborate.

    From what I've heard they use the idea of democratic centralism to shut down debate during the democratic process instead of after a decision has been reached democratically.