


Honestly its rude to be invited by a country to meet their president who decided to respond to your criticisms of their administration only to not show up and go meet the opposition.

Being invided and then no showing shows complete disregard to basic diplomatic Etiquette since it was a mission to show solidarity against the embargo

Bonus socdems being cringe part 4.5: about another member that didnt show up to the presidential meeting


Deeply unserious people

  • Awoo [she/her]
    6 months ago

    These fucking idiots get the possibility of meeting with and creating an ally for their cause with state resources that has actively used those resources to secretly fund and support foreign causes in the past and they stupidly do this shit?

    Absolute fucking idiots. I have no other words. The complete and total failure to see an opportunity presenting itself to these morons is beyond stupidity.

    • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
      6 months ago

      The complete and total failure to see an opportunity presenting itself to these morons is beyond stupidity.

      It's beyond stupidity alright. No one is this fucking stupid, so the only reasonable conclusion is that they're ops.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        6 months ago

        I genuinely don't think they actually thought through any of this. They've treated it like it's some school trip where a class gets to meet the prez and say a few words. Not as a real and serious political organisation trying to make ties that will benefit their cause.

        Would they behave this way with the UK? With Norway or Sweden? Countries that wouldn't give them the time of day and wouldn't support them? Would they offend them with criticisms of how they run their states if given any kind of diplomatic welcome? I somehow think they wouldn't. They'd treat it like a westerners day out.

        They went there to lecture them. Imbeciles. A country that in the past has not been against literally arming their allies in foreign nations. Let alone providing lukewarm resource support.

        Just incredible shortsightedness. These are people you should be building trust with to eventually reach the point of collaboration.

        • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
          6 months ago

          They went there to lecture them.

          Exactly. Why did this arrogant westoid think they have any right to share their "critiques" anyway. Extremely patient and kind of Diaz-Canal to even entertain their bullshit and offer them a private meeting to address their critiques. Critiques and reforms of the Cuban project should come from Cubans, not from Americans. Why does she think she has any right to dictate anything to the Cubans whatsoever? She's so arrogant she thinks she has the solution while Cubans are just too stupid to figure it out? She should have been there to learn, not to lecture.

          • VILenin [he/him]M
            6 months ago

            How ironic that her defenders try to attack others with “she’s actually doing something in real life” when she’s a rep from a succdem party trying to lecture a socialist country governed by the heirs to a real life, actual, communist revolution.

            • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
              6 months ago

              I’ve noticed the “X has done more praxis than you ever could” is a very common line from radlibs and succs and the squishier types of leftists when they can’t actually defend them based on any argument or principles. Every time I’ve heard it has been in defense of AOC or Bernie or NJR or someone similar.

      • Maoo [none/use name]
        6 months ago

        No trust me there are people exactly this stupid and they're the dominant members of the DSA.

        The DSA is made up primarily of Sanders Dems and entryist Trots that think they're very sneaky. There are minorities that are better but these groups are louder and maintain their positions by being exhausting, i.e. fundamentally liberal.

          • Maoo [none/use name]
            6 months ago

            Bread and Roses are Trots. They have almost out-sneaked themselves to the point that many members don't know their ideological heritage. Bread and Roses brought a Hong Kong protester to the 2023 convention and is anti-China in a precisely Trot way. Its internationalism focuses almost exclusively on independent trade unions, usually in opposition to anti-imperialist organizations and actions. They aligned with the libs to kill the BDS working group and do the exact same kinds of things that Maria did.

            MUG is neo-Trot. They don't specifically highlight Trotsky but their focuses are all the things Trots in DSA care about and frame. They are less focused on causing drama, though.

            SMC, Groundwork/GND are SocDems.

            Red Star and Communist Caucus are the only not terrible DSA groups anyone might recognize. And they're still a bit lackluster because they're trying to reform a reformist org into something a bit more commie without being abrasive which is basically impossible given the opposition.

            DSA itself arose from a Trot trying to be more reformist so it's not surprising to see that legacy everywhere.

            Tallying up just B&R, SMC, and Groundwork, that's 11 of the 18 NPC positions. If you include MUG, it's 13 of the 18.

            Source: some of my comrades try to do commie things in the DSA and complain to me a lot.

              6 months ago

              Huh. I was misinformed. Why are there trots siding with the ML adjacent groups over other trots and succdems?

              • Maoo [none/use name]
                6 months ago

                There are specific reasons but don't forget that the people Trots fight with the most are always each other.

                But basically they have different ideas about what direction to go in and how to "lead" "the movement". They're like little parties within a party but neither of those things is really a party at all. But seeking self-promotion and being more vanguardy than each other is part of it.

  • barrbaric [he/him]
    6 months ago

    Why the fuck are you even going to Cuba as a member of a political party if you skip a meeting with the goddamn president? This should get them expelled, but I suppose that might be too authoritarian.

    • Maoo [none/use name]
      6 months ago

      To platform your bad ideas.

      They're both from groups that define themselves through anticommunism. They think doing good actions involves attacking countries run by communist parties and parroting the NGO-industrial complex lines. They think they're so clever.

  • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
    6 months ago

    How to build bridges, apparently

    1. Go to foreign nation and berate it's leadership
    2. Skip meeting with it's president who actually was going to try and address aforementioned comments
  • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
    6 months ago

    This reminds me of a recent podcast on Rev Left where he interviewed three Pan-Africanists who were part of a delegation in Cuba:

    One of them has been to these conferences in Cuba multiple times and would mention how US leftists would constantly bring ideological and sectarian baggage with them and how Cuban communists have to constantly tell them to remove their heads from their asses and stfu (It's around 13:00 into the podcast).

  • ultraviolet [she/her]
    6 months ago

    If anyone still wonders why the global south thinks the western "left" is a joke, this is a perfect example.

  • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
    6 months ago

    If I were to conduct a diplomatic faux pas on that level, I would resign from embarrassment.

    • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
      6 months ago

      nah instead double down and cause internal strife in your organization, that's the American pigheaded way

    • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
      6 months ago

      If I got to visit the actual fucking leader of Cuba then I would be there early and probably listen for the vast majority of the time; berating or asking sectarian questions would be almost at the bottom of my list. They're the people who have succeeded while we have failed, we have to listen to them

      I really hate succdems

      • FunkyStuff [he/him]
        6 months ago

        Goes to show how hilariously distant the Cuban government is from the cartoon of a totalitarian cartel regime US media paints them as that Canel even bothered to hear them out.

      • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
        6 months ago

        The person she interviewed is a journalist who is mostly famous from their coverage of the small San Isidro movement, which is NED funded and supports Trump and the blockade. So yeah, indirectly it is fed shit 100%. The only question is if she’s just naive or if she’s malevolent

        • Sebrof [comrade/them, he/him]
          6 months ago

          I always wonder if these people are naive useful idiots or actually malevolent like you just asked. I guess it doesn't matter in practice, but I am curious too when it comes to her and others. Westerners are chauvinistic enough to just be this naive unfortunately. I was like that when I was a baby leftist (repeating bullshit about authoritarianism and both sides, etc.) and unfortunately I see that a lot of my "leftist" friends and acquaintances fail to grow past it. Idk my point, I guess I'm just lamenting

        • VILenin [he/him]M
          6 months ago

          Astonishing levels of arrogance and chauvinism

          6 months ago

          Either way it's a bad look, you're either being used as a tool of the US government or you're directly acting as an agent, shit is so wild

        • Maoo [none/use name]
          6 months ago

          She's a naive Trot. They're cultish and this is part of their beliefs: undermine every country run by a communist party because they're "Stalinist" and preventing true socialism from taking root (true socialism comes from Trotsky's formulation alone).

    • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
      6 months ago

      And there it is. I knew she's an op because absolutely no one who's honest about their intentions would skip out on missing the head of state.

      • LaGG_3 [he/him, comrade/them]
        6 months ago

        Missing the head of state of one of the few socialist countries in the world. Virtually a once in a lifetime opportunity that most don't get.

  • kristina [she/her]
    6 months ago

    jesus christ, imagine being able to meet the top goat of cuba and SKIPPING OUT

    fucking losers

    6 months ago

    It was the two succdem caucuses, the image describing events is from the commie caucus calling out their asses

    Hopefully Maria and Renée get blowback for this.

    • Juice [none/use name]
      6 months ago

      R&R are communists. This is from Redstar not Commie Caucus. You literally have no clue what you are talking about. Commie caucus generally doesn't care about DSA internals, they are into renters unions

        6 months ago

        I said the commie caucus not the Commie caucus

        The Commie caucus are less commie then Red Star.

        Also I was calling R&R succdem as a reductionist insult, what would be a more accurate insult?

        • Juice [none/use name]
          6 months ago

          I don't know comrade, I don't know the rules of this game you are playing. But I know this debate and the people involved. Its not my fault you can't keep your facts straight, maybe keep quiet if you're clueless. No investigation, no something something

                6 months ago

                Do you have to defend your comrade when they're doing lib shit like refusing to meet with the president of Cuba?

              • corgiwithalaptop [any, love/loves]M
                6 months ago

                We joke about Mao's "combat liberalism" on this site a lot, but this is EXACTLY the time where those principles are meant to be exercised. You do not HAVE to defend them.

              • AOCapitulator [they/them]
                6 months ago

                Defending your comrade from bad actions they took just because they're your comrade is liberal bullshit and you are a disappointment

      • Maoo [none/use name]
        6 months ago

        R&R are Trots that consistently adopt anticommunist, Western chauvinist positions.

    • Gay_Tomato [they/them, it/its]
      6 months ago

      Is it really a struggle session? Everybody except one (Banned mao-wave ) person is in agreement that they should be at least ejected be from the org for this shameful display.

      • sourquincelog [he/him]
        6 months ago

        I mostly meant it in the literal, historical sense

        public spectacles in Maoist China where people accused of being "class enemies" were publicly humiliated, accused

  • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
    6 months ago

    NATO leftist scum. Had the same experience when I visited a chapter as a leftist Guatemalan with actual success in my city and these fucks used obnoxious idpol to downplay our gains and whined about how we weren’t that strong while listening to European leftists who achieved less than us.

    Read Maria’s response as she lists “poc voices” to use them against Cuba. This is what NATO leftists do and their irritatingly academic way of speaking combined with the sheer arrogance and chauvinism is why most in the global south hate them.

    We went to Cuba as reps of our party and even warned them about NATO leftists. They laughed and said they’re well aware of them.

    • Muad'
      6 months ago

      The aristocratic, smug attitudes of these NATO leftists is infuriating, esp given that they don't have a single historical success. Literal toddlers thinking they can give advice to professors in their field of expertise.

    • Sons_of_Ferrix
      6 months ago

      I visited a chapter as a leftist Guatemalan with actual success in my city

      In Guatemala?

  • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
    6 months ago

    Idea for a bit serious reform of the DSA: AES country invites DSA leadership to visit, then refuses to grant exit visas until they've harvested 100 tonnes of wheat by hand.

      6 months ago

      The 1959 Cuban Revolution was a key event that galvanized and inspired the growing New Left in the 1960s. Cuba became viewed as a radical and anti-imperialist third world country worthy of praise by many of the radical activists of the 1960s.[3]

      In 1969, SDS was composed of competing factions with individual priorities and visions.[4] SDS delegates travelled to Havana, and were inspired by Fidel Castro's New Year's Day speech, in which he called on Cubans to help with the sugar harvest.[5] Although the Americans originally offered to help by taking industrial jobs displaced by the massive sugar harvest, Fidel reportedly responded that if North Americans were to help, they would cut cane.[6]

  • usa_suxxx [they/them]
    6 months ago

    I skimmed some portion of Maria Franzblau Criticism of Cuba

    We should be critical of socialist and anti-imperialist forces when necessary. Most times this should take place internally when other parties take actions we disagree with strategically. But when a leftist party actively betrays socialist principles, such as by attacking abortion rights or supporting Israeli apartheid, we should be willing to make our disagreements public. As for reactionary, anti-communist forces like the governments of Iran and Russia or groups like Hamas and the Houthis, we should make crystal clear our fierce opposition to their politics while also condemning imperialist aggression against them.

    Most egregious considering the Palestinian genocide.

    The first weakness is in our analysis and understanding of Cuban socialism. There is no shortage of inspiration we can draw from positively appraising the Revolution’s gains in literacy, healthcare, education, and more. We should not deemphasize the role of the brutal US embargo in the country’s crises. But one simply cannot understand the full picture of Cuba this decade without also understanding the political repression of independent organizing, the threats that private business and austerity pose to the socialist economy, or the crisis of legitimacy the government faces. If one were to attend this delegation and fully accept the party line put forward in our itinerary, the political side of this crisis would go completely unmentioned.

    Having it both ways, the embargo is bad for the economy but also the threats that private business and austerity pose to the socialist economy

    Second, it limits the effectiveness of our external messaging and organizing, especially in regions of the country with large Hispanic and Cuban-American populations. While it is true that there are large sections of these diaspora communities, particularly Cuban exiles, who are hardcore reactionaries and have petty-bourgeois class interests, it would be a mistake to treat these communities as monolithic or immovable. In my own experience organizing in Miami, there is a large presence of Cubans in every local struggle, whether it be university students and faculty walking out against our far-right state legislature’s censorship of education, or local Starbucks workers’ struggling to unionize their stores.

    DAH POCS. like fr what do you mean?

    • usa_suxxx [they/them]
      6 months ago

      Meanwhile, a notably large “No” campaign against the Family Code was led by the churches and right-wing dissident groups through social media. While the referendum passed, “No” received 33% of the vote, which is remarkably high for a government initiative in a one-party state.

      Like what?


      In many ways, the Family Code represents the bureaucracy working at its best. They corrected an error in the party’s stances under the pressure of LGBTQ Cubans and the international movements for those rights, used mass meetings to influence public opinion and respond to it, and mobilized the party and its mass organizations to advance a “Yes” vote to expand womens’ and LGBTQ rights. But a lack of independent organizing or popularly-controlled institutions means that this was necessarily a slow going and top-down process. Put bluntly, Cuba’s transformation on LGBTQ rights was facilitated in no small part by Mariela Castro’s position as a prominent figure in the party bureaucracy with a famous family name.

      You see, this good thing they did, is actually bad.

      • usa_suxxx [they/them]
        6 months ago

        Earlier in the piece:

        We visited the center on our second day in Havana and heard a lecture from Mariela Castro about the history of CENESEX and of women’s and LGBTQ rights in Cuba. During the Q&A, one comrade asked for any advice Castro could give to US socialists fighting for queer rights. She mostly dodged the question regarding advice for US socialists, and she opted instead to describe her internal struggles within the Communist Party on this topic. She told the story of how she found old writings from her mother, the revolutionary Vilma Espin, in support of same-sex marriage and used it to argue for the Party to support same-sex marriage. She went on to describe the process of winning LGBTQ rights as a slow, gradual, consensus building project rather than a rapid, activist struggle.

        Castro’s struggles within the party have been admirable and won considerable gains for queer people. But it is worth examining that, in response to a question about what LGBTQ organizing should look like, her answer was a course of action really only available to her: using old family documents to make an argument to top party brass. I was left wondering what avenues for change might exist for ordinary working people without the same access.

        Another GOOD THING BAD

        Her criticism at the end:

        Our delegations, if they are not for a discrete purpose like observing an election, should include longer meetings between DSA members and members of other parties and organizations. Instead of solely hearing lectures, we should have more collaborative discussions where we learn about each others’s organizing conditions and trade ideas. Where we can learn from each other, we should seek to. Where we disagree on key issues, we should feel free to discuss and debate these matters in a comradely way.

        The criticism is self defeating. She clearly admits she had the opportunity to ask questions. Then she dismisses their wins for playing within their organizing conditions


        More of Maria being able to ask questions and have a dialogue

        During the Q&A, I asked the following question to Álvarez: “In 2021 there were mass protests across the whole island of Cuba. While it is true that many on the far-right supported these protests, and Washington cheered it on, the protests also involved thousands of ordinary Cubans, workers, feminists, socialists, and members of the CPC. Many participants from 2021 remain in prison today. How should Cubans who support the revolution but have criticisms of the government make their voices heard?”

        She did not like his response, which is fair but did not provide proof of what she said either, which she certainly could have in a blog post.

          • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
            6 months ago

            NATO leftists who think that their identity as an American citizen makes their opinion worthwhile. Fucking hate these scum

    • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
      6 months ago

      Second, it limits the effectiveness of our external messaging and organizing, especially in regions of the country with large Hispanic and Cuban-American populations. While it is true that there are large sections of these diaspora communities, particularly Cuban exiles, who are hardcore reactionaries and have petty-bourgeois class interests, it would be a mistake to treat these communities as monolithic or immovable.

      she's more sympathetic to Miami gusanos than she is to Cuban revolutionaries. She wants to do tailism to appeal to gusanos and is worried that having solidarity with a socialist project would endanger her "organizing" among Cuban-Americans.

      • usa_suxxx [they/them]
        6 months ago

        During my time in Havana, I made contact with several members of what is often called Cuba’s “critical left,” a term used to refer to left-wing activists, journalists, intellectuals, and everyday people who are critical of either certain policies of the PCC or broader systemic issues in the party bureaucracy. I organized three meetings, two with independent journalist Maykel Vivero and one with members of the leftist La Tizza collective. I also spoke to and attempted to meet with Marxist writer Frank Garcia Hernandez but could not arrange it while I was in Havana.

        On Maykel Vivero:

        He is one of the few journalists who cover the persecution of the San Isidro Movement and its leader Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara. In his journalistic work, he thinks it’s very important to provide the most complete information possible without getting carried away by personal feelings.

        On Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara:

        State television revealed a document indicating San Isidro leader Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara receives monthly $1,000 payments from the National Democratic Institute, which is funded by USAID and NED.


        The small San Isidro Movement in question campaigned for the re-election of Donald Trump in October, speaking to a South Florida-based audience, while applauding the damage being done to Cuba by the U.S. blockade, while asking for additional sanctions. Images have earlier circulated of the main leader of the San Isidro group, Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, with the Charge d'Affaires of the U.S. embassy in Havana. Another member, Omara Ruiz Urquiola, also paid a visit to the diplomat; and Carlos Manuel Álvarez, who resides in Mexico and is linked to U.S. special services, through the CIA front National Endowment for Democracy (NED), arrived at the headquarters of the San Isidro Movement last Tuesday, November 24.

        They have advocated for the tightening of the blockade and the cutting off of remittances and their end goal is an overthrow of the revolutionary Cuban government.

        • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
          6 months ago

          State television revealed a document indicating San Isidro leader Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara receives monthly $1,000 payments from the National Democratic Institute, which is funded by USAID and NED.

          And there it is folks.

      • VILenin [he/him]M
        6 months ago

        Western chauvinist getting pissy that the know-nothing Cubans won’t listen to her enlightened sage advice.

        Bonus points for engaging in parenti

    • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
      6 months ago

      They literally just list off all of the State Department's current baddies as 'still bad but less bad than the US says they are'

      the threats that private business and austerity pose to the socialist economy, or the crisis of legitimacy the government faces.

      Are they talking about that weak color revolution the US tried to stage a year or two back lmao? Where like half of the media came from people in the US? And the actual march in Cuba was pitifully small?

      In my own experience organizing in Miami, there is a large presence of Cubans in every local struggle, whether it be university students and faculty walking out against our far-right state legislature’s censorship of education, or local Starbucks workers’ struggling to unionize their stores.

      Fuckin being all "yes, these former bourgeoisie who turned liberal because conservatives were too openly racist to them disadvantaged former small business owners and their children deserve to be treated well" after insulting and then openly flouting the Cuban president, you know, actual socialists.

      Pathetic or an OP.

      6 months ago

      We should not deemphasize the role of the brutal US embargo in the country’s crises. But

      "But" in Polish means "shoe", something that should be thrown at her.